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I know I'm not perfect

Its what makes me


I embrace my imperfections

But you just find more faults in them

I know I'm not tall

Or model-thin

But I'm happy the way I am

I know my friends are the misfits

But we wouldn't have it any other way

We embrace the imperfections

Like friends are supposed to

The imperfections

Are what cement friendships

Perfection is a dream

Something we yearn for

But it's still a dream

I know I don't wear expensive clothes

Or spend three hours on my hair

But I'm comfortable in my own skin

What seems like an imperfection to you

Is perfect to me

And that's what matters

We all are imperfect

But we don't all embrace it

When we learn to

Enjoy our true person

Through the imperfections

Is when we enjoy life

And all it has to offer.

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