opposite views

445 24 3

In my eyes

I see flaws

From your eyes

You see perfection

I feel like

The imperfections

Are overpowering

To you

The imperfections

Create perfections

It's like a mirror

But what I see

And what appears

Are different things

In my eyes I have room

For plenty of improvement

But to you

Change would ruin it

I want to know

If what I believe

And what you see

Are the same after all

Or if the opposing views

Are truly different

You see me as I am

As you've always known me

I see me, constantly changing

As a work in progress

Never the same twice

I notice every crevice,

Every crack and blemish

You see the big picture

A face of perfection

Perhaps one day I can learn

To see the world through your eyes

To understand what you see

Instead of my scrutiny

Then maybe I could see the beauty

That you somehow see

And that don't recognize

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