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You broke me

Tore down my walls

And let yourself in

And I let you

I thought you were different

But I was wrong

You acted differently

Than how you actually were

But what stings the most

Was the lies you fed me

The lies broke me

You were a person hiding

Behind a false wall

And I fell for the fake

The genuine person

Was not who I met

The real one

Was shrouded behind a curtain

A curtain of falsified tales

To make me fall farther

And harder for you

But it wasn't the fall

That broke me

It was the way I fell

It was like you dropped me

With nothing to cushion my fall

You told me that we were dead

And that I should bury everything

I ever felt

And so I did

But it broke me

To hide from it all

I acted fine

On the outside

But inside was a different tale

I was a raging storm

A storm locked away

It tore at me

And made me shrink back

Into a dark shell

All of my strength

Was barely enough to drag me

Out of myself

But I did break free

And I haven't looked back

I fixed myself

Without the help of you

Because those that break

Can't easily rebuild

And if you had tried

I'd be broken again

I don't need you

To be myself

If anything you tried to show me

Was true

It was that hiding yourself

Is the best way to be accepted

Trying for acceptance

Has broke me before

And I'm done being broken

Over other's words

I've given up feeling

Like your puppet

Your broken toy

I've grown up

Grown into my own person

That can't be broken

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