writing prompt

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I was on reddit, and got a writing prompt!

Your entire life you've had a guardian angel who kills or severely injures anyone it considers to have wronged you. However, this causes you to be highly suspected of committing these murders. You're currently an interrogation room and have to explain your innocence.

Soooooo, here's my story!

Trigger warning, blood, suicide, mentions of murder

"I didn't do it."

It wasn't a lie.

I swear it wasn't a lie.

I don't know what the heck was going on in my life lately, but people around me had been dying.

My teacher who gave me a bad grade. My brother who pushed me and made me graze my knee. My girlfriend who left me. The boy she left me for.

"we know you did it."

That was the interrogator.

They were wrong though.

I didn't do it.

Yeah, I sometimes lose my temper, but I would never kill a person.


"I didn't do it."

I twisted my bracelet around my wrist as I answered. It's an old silver one. I was given it when I was a kid. It had a weird pully thing, so it can get bigger and smaller.

"We have the proof, boy."

I hate when people call me boy. I'm not a boy. Do I have to slap a 'I am a girl, idiots' sticker on my shirt?

"I am telling you. I did not kill anyone."

"Just confess boy."

That sick feeling started in my stomach. It had been coming and going for a while. At this point I knew what it meant.

"Please don't"

My voice was a frantic whisper

"Don't what?"

I wasn't talking to the interrogator.

The woman appeared.

The same woman I had been seeing before witnessing these awful things.

Her long black dress, torn at the bottom. Black and white hair tangled and halfway down her back. Pale skin with scars and cuts scattered across it. Her hands stained red. Her feet covered in mud and dead grass. Her bright green eyes shining, as if you shone a torch at an emerald. The dull grey glow emitting from her skin.

A knife in her hand.

My chest started tightening.

"No! No, stop!"

I was frantic. I shouldn't have come here. I was endangering more and more lives.

"Stop what?"

I wasn't talking to them. I was never talking to them.

The woman stepped closer.

I felt heavy. I couldn't stand. I felt like I was glued to my seat with the strongest glue in the world. It always felt like this.

I close my eyes, bracing myself.

The sounds of stabbing.


Then nothing.

I opened my eyes.

They were dead on the floor. Puncture wounds in their chest and neck.

The heavy feeling was gone in my body.

I scrambled over to them. I pressed my ear to their chest.

Beat... beat... then nothing.

I turned up to the woman.

"Why are you doing this?"

Tears were streaming down my face. My chest heaved.

"Tell me!"

I was screaming. I needed to know why this was happening. Why all of this was happening.

Then something I didn't think could happen happened.

The woman spoke.

"I've been hurt in the past. I don't want you to be hurt like I was."

I could feel my blood boil. Hot angry tears streamed down my face.

"You're hurting these people, you awful woman!"

I hated her. I hated this. All of this. All these people were dead. And it was my fault.

"I'm protecting you. When you grow up you'll understand."

I didn't want to grown up. I didn't want to understand. I didn't want to understand her. I didn't want to forgive her.

The knife was still in the interrogator's chest.

I wrapped my hand around the handle.

"What are you doing?"

I ignored the woman. I pulled the knife out. I could smell the blood. It smelt like rusty iron.

I took the last breath I'd ever take.

I slammed the knife into my chest.

"No! What are you doing?"

The woman was screeching. Her skin was shriveling.

I twisted the knife. Blood spilt from my wound. I screamed, but didn't stop.

"Stop it!"

her skin was shriveling and peeling. Her hair was melting together, turning grey. The glow emitting from her skin was dulling.

I kept twisting the knife, blood drenching my hands.

"You can't protect me if I'm not here, you awful, awful woman!"

Blood spilt on my hands. I fell. I couldn't even sit up.

I pulled the knife out. Blood poured out of my wound.

My breathing was ragged.

Then it stopped. My vison blurred, then everything went black. My body felt numb. The last thing i heard were the woman's screams.

She died as I died.

I didn't feel any regret.

I died knowing I protected so many people.

I died relieved.

Sorry if this was badly written, or just bad full stop.

should I do another writing prompt?

Leave any prompts you want me to do

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