an outfit that looks how I feel

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I've discovered gothic lolita. 

I thought lolita was just pink and pastels. 

But no. 

There's a gothic style. 

And it's fucking beautiful. 

So I searched up 'lolita clothing stores' and I FOUND ONE THAT HAD GOTHIC STUFF. 

Lolita Show is the website. 

I took screenshots, and created an outfit that if worn by me, would make me look how I feel inside. 




A little bit child like. 

And most importantly, 

Extra as fuck. 

They were actually surprisingly cheap, so if any of my friends/ fam reading this wanted to buy me something... 

Kk, onto the outfit. 

So, it's a cute black dress and I love that it has SLEEVES, coz I hate short sleeve and sleeveless tops

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So, it's a cute black dress and I love that it has SLEEVES, coz I hate short sleeve and sleeveless tops. 

A purple wig just because my normal hair doesn't fit the vibe, and it brings a pop of colour. 

A corset, because apparently it's pretty common to wear, and I need some way to fill up the top shelf coz I'm flat as a board, yall know what I'm saying? 

Black socks, because my socks are falling apart and I don't wanna wear shoes without socks. 

And, the shoes, which reminded me of Mary Janes a bit. I sorta wanted to add big-ass heels, but I, not unlike Meg from Hercules, have very weak ankles, and I would fall over immediately. idk. Maybe some day I'll walk better in heels. I mean, I'm ok, but not great. 

Aaaaaaaaand (Because I'm extra as fuck) I also found some accessories. 

The blue butterfly-rose thing is a hair accessory, if you did not know, and i thought it went with the bag, and I like the butterflies

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The blue butterfly-rose thing is a hair accessory, if you did not know, and i thought it went with the bag, and I like the butterflies. 

The butterfly hairclips, I just like butterflies. they're really pretty, and they represent transformation, freedom, and rebirth. Three things i feel like lolita grants its wearers. 

The bag, I just really like. I can't go anywhere without a bag. I need something to put my phone, portable charger, wallet, book, sensory toy, gum and makeup in. 

And the glasses... they're just gorgeous. I'm not sure if you can see them super well, but they're gold round glasses with some steampunk theming. They're really nice. 

So yeah. I love this whole aesthetic. 

If y'all have any aesthetics you'd want me to make outfits with, comment them. 

I feel like a youtuber, lol. 

Ughhhhhhhhhhh. I wish i was a youtuber so i had money to buy this! 

the total is $277.08 and it's free shipping since it's over $109 so I COULD AFFORD IT, but I doubt my folks would let me. They'd probably be all like 

'oh, you're never gonna wear it!' 

'You don't even wear dresses!' 

'it's to expensive!' 

'Since when do you spend that much money?' 

Idk. Maybe I'll ask for some for next Christmas and my birthdays. 

Again, to any friends and family reading........................ 

Nah, but if I could have a few items, it would be the dress, the wig, the corset and the bag, which would be a total of $183.63, with the bag surprisingly being the most expensive item. Although, some items were on sale, so the price might go up by the time i finally decided to buy. 


I didn't say anything. 

You're crazy. 

I'm not even real man. 


I'm gone. 

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