It's a metaphor darlings

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person one: do you have an Xbox or a PlayStation?

person two: i used to have a PlayStation, but now I have a nintendo switch

person one: what is that?

person two: it's another console that isn't the Xbox or PlayStation

Person one: I've never heard of the switch. are you sure it exists?

Person two: yes it exists. I literally have it. Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean it ceases to exist

Person one: i grew up only knowing about PlayStation's and Xbox's. How do you expect me to learn about a whole new console?

Person two: because it exists, and when new things appear in your life, you learn about and respect them

Person one: maybe you're just confused and should go back to your PlayStation

Person two: no. I didn't like my PlayStation. I didn't want to be unhappy, so i changed to a nintendo switch

Person one: well, according to basic gaming knowledge there's only two consoles, so I'm just going to think of you as someone with a PlayStation

Person two: But that isn't true, because i no longer have a PlayStation, I have a nintendo switch. It might be a little hard to learn, but at the end of the day what I do is about what makes me happy, so i would like it if you learned about Nintendo switches

Person one: no thank you, new things frighten me.

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