Chapter Two

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"You have always helped me be the best that I can. I feel bad that School always came so easy to me all while Tyson couldn't even make it past 3rd grade - Sorry Tyson"

The notebook rolled out of my arms onto the floor with a loud thud as it hit the other books, scaring me awake. After realizing the sound was from the notebook, I let out a long breath and rolled onto my back. Waking up is always the worst part of my day, honestly, I could go without it happening. I rubbed my head and sat up, glancing at the clock. Cold air filled the room causing goosebumps to spread across my chest and arms. Leave it to me to keep my room a solid 64 degrees and still sleep in shorts and no shirt. I looked around my room to find a hoodie that was clean enough to warrant wearing.

I guess I should go to class today, the boys will literally beat my ass if I miss another day. Finally, I find a hoodie on the floor that is acceptable, I pull the gray hoodie over my head and then grab some jeans to wear over my shorts.

For the past three days I've been rocking the basketball shorts and no shirt look, I hate putting on jeans after I've been comfortable in just shorts for so long. The best part of my wardrobe of choice is, the less I wear, the less laundry I have to do. Of course, the occasional times I do leave my room ill grab a t-shirt or one of my many hoodies to throw on so I can keep the fact that I'm losing weight hidden from everyone. Recently, it's become so apparent, I have almost no fat on me, and my ribs are starting to show.

I look at myself in the mirror I have in my room, just to make sure I am decent enough to leave my bubble and enter the real world. My hair is getting so long, Jesus Christ, at this point I'm going to have to figure out how to style it. For now, I brush out all the tangles and push it back out of my face. The natural curls have a mind of their own, and curve around my face and ears. Usually, they fall Infront of my face and annoy me all day, so I have created a habit of pushing it back constantly.

When I get to the kitchen William is dressed in his nice school clothes, Tyson is asleep on the couch and I'm sure Suzie is already at school or on her way there now. Will is the 'dress to impress' type, I'd say he is the most civilized of us all I see him going places in life. It doesn't surprise me to see Tyson on the couch asleep, he wakes up early to be there for Suzie and make sure she gets out of the house safe, and with breakfast but he almost always passes out after.

"Ah, he lives!" Amusement clear in Wills voice while he's pushing something into the toaster. "Are you actually going to school today?" His eyebrows furrow with surprise.

It's not that I actively try to skip school. Sometimes I just sleep through it or mistake my days and assume its Saturday when its actually Tuesday. My favorite reason is when I wake up at 2am and can't go back to sleep so instead I stay up drinking or crushing up pills so I'm too intoxicated to go. It doesn't sound pleasant but some of those nights are my favorite.

"Uh, yeah." I nod lazily while pouring some coffee into a thermos. "Think you could give me a ride?"

"Hell yeah! I didn't make any breakfast for you, and Tyson devoured whatever it was he made today so make sure you eat." He looks me up and down before continuing, obviously noting my attire. "Also, I'm leaving in a few minutes so get ready."

I looked down at my clothes and back up to him "What's wrong with this?" I smile and take a sip of the hot coffee. William is very stylish; I know me dressing like this physically hurts him.

"Uh... nothing's wrong with that. It's just that the hobo down the road is getting cold because you keep taking his clothes." He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter with a dumb grin still on his face.

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