Chapter Forty-One

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"For my benefit, and my benefit only I'd like to tell you guys everything that has been going on." I look at my siblings, and Katie who are all seated in the living room. "Mostly because I'm done being petty, but also because Will saved everyone's ass when he told me he was proud of me. He showed me vulnerability that he hasn't ever shown before, and I appreciate you for that."

I lean against the TV stand "Alright, try and keep up because I'm only saying it once then we aren't talking about it again. A week after I got home from the hospital, I didn't want to be here under everyone's microscope, so I decided to take control of my life on my own. The first step, was getting a job. Every day after school, I go to work. On Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, I have been going to therapy before work. Usually, I am running from school to either therapy or work then home. I work as a mechanic at a shop I found in town where I'm on my feet and lifting heavy shit all day. When I get home, between either running all over, standing all day, or being emotionally fucked at therapy I'm tired. I eat, do some homework and go to bed. Now that school is over, I'm not sure how my hours will change. But I will still be working Monday through Friday. Are there any questions on my professional life?" I pause and wait for an answer.

No one says anything.

"Alright. As for my personal life, which isn't really anyone's business, but I feel like I need to tell everyone anyway. Yes, I am sleeping with Ian. No drugs, no alcohol, purely physical I do not want to hear anyone accusing either of us for using anything unless you see us popping pills yourselves. I have driving lessons every Saturday, because you need a specific amount of driving hours before you can take the test. I'd like to spend my Saturday nights, and Sundays here with you guys but not if I'm going to continue to be treated like one small move might break me."

Everyone looks thoroughly surprised. This is the boost I needed, I needed to see people are shocked at how well I'm doing. They are family, I can't give up on them when they have done so much for me growing up. However, something inside me can't let go of what Katie did. She was the only person I chose to have in my life, the one person I trusted more than anything.

"Well Fuck, that's some character development if I've ever seen it." Will says. "You didn't ask if we had any questions about your personal life."

Everyone looks at him like he's grown an extra head.

I sigh. "Are there any questions about my personal life?" I regret it immediately.

"Yes!" He yells. "Who were you stealing my clothes for you thief? Was it Ian? Because if I remember correctly, you weren't at Ian's until later that day. And who was it that picked you up that day? I heard he had black hair, not blonde. Are you a player now that you're getting some action?" He stops, but not to wait for my answer. He's trying to think of more questions to ask. "So, when Ian messaged you about meeting him in the bathroom, you guys like totally did it in there didn't you? At the school! "

"God, yuck Will. That's my brother!" Katie groans.

"He said I could ask questions!"

I laugh at how ridiculous he is, but I'm glad to see his personality hasn't changed just because mine has. "I was stealing your clothes for myself. I just wanted to try something different. It was my boss who picked me up that day. He took me to the gym, then back here so I could change, then out to some parking lot so I could practice driving. Don't worry about what Ian's message meant you shit."

"That was your boss?" Tyson asks.

"Yeah, why?"

He shrugs. "I've just never seen you act that way around someone. It's weird that it would be your boss."

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