Chapter Forty-Five

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The best course of action here, is to pretend like nothing weird is happening. We will leave the room, and act like Josh has always been here. Like there hasn't been a good amount of face sucking and grinding. I guess the good news is that I kept my neck sucking to myself. I don't know what it is about that, but now that I think about it... is it weird that I'm here with Josh while Ian still has my marks on him...? I'm over thinking it, I didn't know Josh was into me like that.

"Are you heading out after this?" I ask him.

"Do you want me to be?" He shrugs.

"No... I just wasn't sure what you were interested in doing. I'm just trying to find a plan of action here. You hungry?"

He grins then places a small peck on my lips. "Starving."

I glance at him then quickly look away so he can't see my face. Without the heat of the moment, even the smallest things like that, make my face heat up, and the butterflies start up in my stomach. I can't believe how happy he makes me, even before now when we were just at the shop together hanging out as friends, he's always had a way of making me feel so happy, like I belong somewhere.

My hand hovers over the doorknob. Okay, this is fine. This isn't weird, this is fine. We didn't even do anything! I don't know why I'm so worked up about it.

Josh reaches around me and grabs the door "I'm assuming I'm the first man you have brought home?" He asks, his lips brushing my ear.

"First person ever, aside from Katie. I don't have friends or relationships or... people interested enough to come over."

"That Ian kid seemed interested enough."

Ian I was able to sneak in and out that night. Like the non-classy gentlemen that we are, I snuck him into my window, then back out the same way. I didn't feel like going through the 20 questions I'm bound to be going through in just a few minutes. Especially because Ian and I weren't romantically interested in each other at all. Josh though, Josh I actually like.

"Another time." I dismiss. I also didn't want to ruin the mood we had going on here with talk about Ian. He pulls the door open and steps aside so I can lead the way. I walk too slow to the kitchen and accidentally make eye contact with every single person in the living room. Nice.

Looking through the cabinets I find out that no one has grocery shopped this week so we're down to Will's favorite, pop tarts. "I'm so sorry, my brother is a child, this is all we have." I laugh holding out a package of brown sugar pop tarts to him.

"Not a child. Boss friend, nice to see you again. in my kitchen. Early in the morning." He raises his eyebrows and smirks.

"Ahh, yeah! Will, right?" Absentmindedly he grabs the pop tarts from me and opens them up.

Will only smiles then sits down. Everyone else making their way to the kitchen as well, acting like they all had a reason aside from us to be in here.

I clear my throat, "Yeah, that's Will." I point to everyone behind him "Tyson, Katie, and my sister Suzie." They all smile as I point to them.

"Josh, nice to meet you all." His dazzling smile welcoming, and genuinely happy to be meeting these psychopaths. He points at Katie then looks at me. "Wasn't she supposed to be in your bed last night?"

I rub the back of my neck and bite my lips together. "Was she?"

Katie crosses her arms and looks at me. "Yeah, wasn't I? I guess that explains how I woke up in Will's."

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