Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jace's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My hears focus onto a sound I haven't heard before, everything in my head is swirling around, and I can't think clearly, move, or even open my eyes. Everything feels heavy, why am I so heavy and tired?

"Why would you put them there?"

A feminine voice filled my room.

"Why wouldn't I put them there?"

A male. Why are there people in my room so early in the morning? What the hell are they doing. I manage to pry one of my eyes open, just to immediately shut it again when a blinding light flashes over me. Did I fall asleep on my floor? Why is the window so bright.

I open my one eye again and see Suzie and Tyson standing on a couch under a window. A couch, and a window that aren't in my room. I open my other eye and try and sit up, but my body is still too heavy.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I look up and see a machine which was the source of the odd beeping I kept hearing, the kind they have in... hospitals. Oh shit...

That night comes flooding back to me, I should be dead. I shouldn't be in a hospital bed connected to some annoying machine with my siblings fighting while standing on a couch. I look back over to them; they are still standing on the couch while arguing. Maybe I am dead, I don't think that's a normal thing to see in a hospital.

I lay my head back down slowly and stay silent my throat is so dry, there's no way I could talk even if I wanted to. As I watch them, it looks like they are hanging up LED lights around the room. When they stop arguing for a moment, I hear the faint sound of Frank Sinatra playing from someone's phone. It's the song 'The World We Knew' You would expect to wake up from a suicide attempt with happier music. It is one of my favorites, but I'd bet my money none of my siblings have heard it, nor are they paying attention now.

I break my gaze from them and look at the ceiling, I can't believe I woke up, that I'm still here. I let myself cry, I don't know yet if I'm happy it didn't work, or if I'm really pissed at myself for failing at even that. God is there anything I can do right? Not only that, but how embarrassing that they are all here because of what I did. They know what I did, and now I have to face them, and the situation.

"This hospital food is literal shit" The door to the room opens, Will and I make eye contact before I can pretend to be asleep. "JACE! What the hell, why is no one talking to you, or freaking out?!"

He drops whatever was in his hands and runs over to me. Leave it to Will to rip you right out of your peace.

"Oh my god!" Suzie and Tyson both drop the lights they were arguing about. Suzie runs right to me while Tyson runs out the door.

"The nurse told us to grab her when you woke up so she could come check you out. They wanted to make sure you could be awake and breathe okay before taking off this ugly ass mask." Will tells me.

Suzie smacks Wills arm. "Will, he just woke up. Do not call him ugly."

He throws his hands up defensively "I didn't! I called the mask ugly. Jace, you look great. Well, not really, you look like shit."

If I could laugh I would, my family is unique, that's for sure.

"William!" The look on her face could kill if she really wanted it to.

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