Chapter Eighteen

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"Suzie, I'll admit it. You are and always will be my favorite sibling. You have always gotten me, without me even having to talk and seriously you aren't scared of anything! You are going to be so crazy smart and loving, Dean would be so lucky."

I'm woken up by the sound of clattering in the kitchen. The sun was hardly out, and I knew it had to be earlier than 7 am. I groaned before I rolled over and practically fell out of bed. I pulled on some shorts, and a black t-shirt I found before leaving my room. After flanking down the hallway, I found Suzie singing to some dumb song.

"Morning." I yelled to her before walking into the bathroom. I didn't bother closing the door. After being in a place with one bathroom, you find its pretty easy to tell when someone was taking a piss.

"Hey, do you know why there's mud everywhere?" She calls back to me.

"Why do you assume I would about there being mud everywhere?"

"Because it leads to your room."

After washing my hands, I step out of the bathroom and see that she's right, there is mud everywhere and it all leads right to my room. "Oh yeah. I had a rough night. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go outside for a bit to think but it was raining... anyway, sorry about the mud. I'll clean it up."

"You went outside, in the middle of the night, while it was raining? Wow, that sounds live a very eventful night. I was just worried that some axe murder came into the house and stole you or something." She laughed "Coffee?"

"I would love some coffee. I'm glad to know that you woke up, thought I had been kidnapped and didn't even come check on me. You must have been so worried!"

"Hey. I've learned that it's better to wait and see if you ever come out. It's never a good idea to just walk into a boy's room, I've seen some shit from doing that."

"Ew." I rub my face attempting to get rid of the tired feeling I still had. "That's fair though. You want some breakfast?'

"You have dirt in your hair, I'm not sure I want to eat anything you're offering if it's going to come with an entire garden. I'll make breakfast while you go shower? Or should I call Katie to force you into it again." She teased.

Katie showering me is something I will never live down. I know they are all very grateful to have had someone that cared so much for me. But it doesn't stop them from bringing it up every chance they get.

I kissed her on the head then turned towards the bathroom "I guess I could do it for you."

I could hear her laugh as I made my way down the hall. Once I was in the bathroom, I just stared blankly at myself in the mirror. The weird thing is, for me, the longer I look at myself or my siblings, the more beauty I see. We really are a good-looking family, and the green eyes are always a crowd pleaser. Self-confidence wasn't something any of us lacked, we all knew how we looked, but it doesn't fix the fact that I still hate every other thing about me.

The hot water filled the room with steam, and it made me feel a little better especially after being outside in the cold last night. I sat down on the tub floor and let the water fall over me. A few minutes later, I stand up and wash the dirt from my hair. Though we all joke about it, it totally felt so much better when Katie was doing it.

After the 5-minute shower I leave the bathroom and head out to the living room where I sat down on the floor in front of the couch and laid my head back onto it. Suzie came back in a moment later with two cups of coffee.

"Did you use soap?" she scrunched her nose like she could smell something nasty.

"Very funny." I took a sip of the coffee; Suzie always adds way too much sugar, im not sure how she isn't just constantly hyperactive. Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. "Sorry I haven't been hanging out with you too much. I know you're just dying to watch more of that dean guy or whatever his name was."

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