Chapter Twelve

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"I've always wondered what happened with mom and dad. It felt like a switch, like one day we were all okay, and the next we weren't. What could have caused that? Let me know if you ever find out."

"Fuck. Dad back off" Tyson stood up quickly with his hand raised towards my dad.

Maybe this was luck, or just good timing because I have been holding back so much pent-up anger since the day I stopped using, I've been looking for a way to let it all out. There have been so many times I have almost snapped at Will or Tyson, for close to no reason. Luckily, I realize it isn't their fault that I'm feeling the way I am before I can lash out.

"No, Tyson he clearly has something on his mind. Say it dad, say what you feel you need to say." I stood up and walked closer to him. Unfortunately, for dad, it is his fault, everything is his fault. It is his fault were all fucked up the way we are.

"I already did" He laughed and swirled the last few drops of the beer around his bottle. "You. Are. A. Fucking. Faggot." His hot beer laced breath fans past my face, it was fuel to my anger.

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. "That right?" I asked.

His laughter got louder "Ask anyone in this house! We all know it, fuck I'm sure she knows it." He pointed at Katie with the lip of the bottle. "You think you're tough shit but you are weak, you aren't hiding anything from anyone." He looks back up at Katie, "Is he good at hiding things? Huh?"

"Don't talk to her." I stepped even closer to him. I turned towards her to see a look of fear in her face. That reminds me, I've never talked about my family to her, I'm sure this is a freaky situation to be in.

Will steps closer to Katie in an attempt to make her feel better, Tyson was still standing near us, but not interfering. I'm sure he knew I needed this, to feel in control of something. But, I don't doubt he will step in if needed.

"Sucks too" he pushed the top of his bottle into my side "such a pretty girl, wasting her time on such a - well - waste of space." I squinted my eyes and balled up my fists waiting for him to say something, anything, to warrant me knocking his teeth out.

Instead, he steps around me and makes his way to the kitchen. Without moving a muscle, I follow him with my eyes. I see Tyson and Will doing the same, Katies eyes fixed on me.

"Come on Jacey boy, it's a joke pull the stick out of your ass" He grabs a beer out of the fridge, pops it open, and turns around spilling it a bit. "Or don't, I guess if that's what you like." He downs almost half of the bottle before pointing his finger at me. I've kept my damn mouth shut for years about you and who you are. But you are the problem, you ruined this fucking family, you and your piece of shit uncle tainting us, cursing us. It was bad enough that you were born, but then you spent your whole life disappointing everyone around you too." With one swift move he took another drink and chucked the bottle at me, I ducked causing it to shatter against the wall.

The burning inside of me turned to fire, fire that I was not going to be able to keep inside and I was ready to fight back this time.

Fuck this, fuck him. Will ran up behind me to grab my arm and hold me back, but I was faster. I walked right up to that pile of shit and punched him as hard as I fucking could square in the face. Due to the excessive drinking and no time to eat he was skinny, and weak so he fell to the floor easily.

"Fuck Jace, you hit like a girl you pussy" He spat blood at me which pissed me off more. I threw hit after hit until my hand was throbbing, not caring where my blows were landing. I felt Tyson behind me, pulling me up off of him, he held his arms around me holding me until I calmed down. "You better watch yourself boy, I'll make you wish you were never alive. I run this house, I run this family. I suggest you clean up your act before I put you out on your ass. You're lucky I haven't done it already just for who you are."

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