Chapter Twenty-Two

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The waiting room was small. There's a coffee bar, few vending machines, the front desk, and about 20 chairs. Every once in a while you can hear the receptionist typing away on her computer. Suzie is laying on Katies lap, her eyes empty and sad. I'm worried about her, she hasn't really said anything or shown any type of emotion towards after Katie pulled her out of Jace's room. Katie is running her hands through Suzie's hair in a soothing fashion, I'm glad she's here to help because I am in no position to be comforting anyone. Will disappeared a while ago, he yelled and kicked a chair over before storming out of the waiting room, slamming the door shut behind him. Usually, I'd follow him to make sure he's okay, not today though. Today it was everyone for themselves, because we all had way more important things to think about right now.

The clock ticking is louder than I remember clocks being, slower too. It's been an hour and a half with no news. Every time someone walks out of the doors leading to the emergency rooms, we all shoot our heads in that direction hoping it's for us. The Hospital smells bad, and the intercom is annoying. You hear all these code colors that you don't know the meaning of, and just hope they aren't about the person you're here for. The receptionist won't tell us anything about Jace, not even the condition he's in. I'm really not fond of the fact that were sitting here waiting for information and for all we know he could have been gone before they got here.

Another hour passes this way, no one talks. Just the clicking of the keyboard and the ticking of the clock. The door to the waiting room whips open and Will walks towards me and slams himself into the chair. Pure anger was flowing out of him, so thick you could almost see it. I've seen him mad, plenty of times. But I've never seen him so worried that it turns into anger, this is a side of him I haven't seen before.

"If Jace isn't dead, I'm going to fucking kill him." He yells. Other people in the room glance over at us, the receptionist even stops her typing to glance at who said such a thing.

"William, please there are other people here." I rest my hand on his shoulder before he shoves it off of him.

Suzie starts laughing from her position on Katies lap.

We all look over at her, Katie stopped messing with her hair and leans over to see her face.

She's laughing? Why is she laughing?

The laughter increases and she sits up to hold her stomach.

"Care to share with the class?" Will says, it's not a joke, he says it in one of the harshest tones I have ever heard from him.

"If he isn't dead, you're going to kill him" She laughs again. "If he isn't dead." She takes a deep breath and stands up with her hands on her hips.

"And that's funny to you? You think Jace being dead is funny?" Will asks.

I feel like I should stop him, but for the first time, I'm kind of on the same page as him. What is she talking about? None of us even worry about how the room has stopped what they are doing to look over at us, very interested in the conversation we're about to have.

"It's just, I never thought I'd hear that sentence." She licks he lips and looks up at the lights. "If Jace isn't dead." She laughs once more, then looks down at the floor. We all knew how Jace was feeling, and that he was having some problems. But I know none of us expected this to happen, then again, you never do. You never expect it to happen to you, we all knew he just had to push through it, just endure for a little longer. Maybe we don't know the extent of it, but the one thing I do know is that I thought this was something I'd only have to go through in my dreams.

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