harry's birthday

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THE POTTER SIBLINGS were finally out of the cupboard. By the time they were allowed out of the cupboard again, June had ended and July had begun.

One day in the morning, Petunia took Dudley to London to buy the boy a Smeltings uniform. When Dudley came home later that day, he paraded around the living room for his mother, as she snapped numerous photos of him.

"Will I have to wear that, too?" Harry questioned, he hoped not since the uniform was horrible.

"What?" Petunia laughed, "You, go to Smeltings?" The family of three shared a laugh, before Petunia shook her head, walking into the kitchen.

"Don't be so stupid. You're going to go to the state school, just like your sister."

Petunia walked up to Mia, who was stirring a pot on the oven. The older woman smacked the girl's hand, taking the handle "This is what you're going to be wearing when I've finished dying it."

"But that's Dudley's old uniform." Harry argued. If he went to school wearing that, he'll look like an idiot even more. "It'll fit me like bits of old elephant skin."

"It'll fit you well enough." Petunia stated, shoving the siblings towards the kitchen door. "Go get the post. Go!"

Mia frowned as she walked behind her brother, she wished she was able to get him clothes his own size. Mia didn't care what was given to her to wear, she just wanted the best for Harry.

"I don't believe it. Mia, look!"

Mia glanced at the post in her brother's hand to see two letters, one for Harry and one for her. It didn't make any sense, who would be writing to them?

The siblings were so in awe by their letters that they jumped at the sound of Uncle Vernon's voice, "Hurry up, you two!"

Mia quickly grabbed Harry's letter, hiding both of them behind her back as the two walked back into the kitchen. Harry gave the rest of the post to Uncle Vernon, before settling into the corner with his sister.

The Potter siblings were barely able to read the letters when Dudley suddenly shouted as he ripped the letters out of their hands. "Dad! Dad, Harry and Mia's got something!"

Shouts of protest were immediately heard from the siblings. Vernon sneered, "Who'd be writing to you?" Mia watched in confusion as her uncle's face went pale and eyes going big.


Mia and Harry shared looks of confusion as their aunt took the letter from Vernon's hand. Her eyes grew big as she scanned it, her hand clutched to her chest, looking like she was about to faint.

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