the pariahs of gryffindor tower

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   IT INDEED WAS HELL on earth for the siblings when the Gryffindors learned who was responsible for the lose of points. From being one of the most popular and admired people at the school, Harry and Mia were suddenly the most hated. Even Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs turned on them, because everyone had been longing to see Slytherin lose the house cup.

   "Mione, I swear to god, the next person that glares at me is going to get their eyes gouged out." Mia groaned, hitting her head on the table in frustration. She's being sitting in the library with Hermione ever since she fled from the glares and insults at breakfast.

   The bushy haired girl peered over the book she was holding, "You shouldn't swear like that." Mia raised her head, giving the girl a look of disbelief "Don't tell me you're religious."

  Aunt Petunia was about as religious that a woman could get, as she dragged her husband and son to church every Sunday morning.

   Hermione shook her head, "Though, my grandmother is. It's just that no one here knows who God is."
   Mia shrugged, glancing around the library "Ehh, there's a God and there's a Merlin. Basically the same." Hermione sighed, setting her book down and was about to correct Mia, when the teen suddenly yells "Fuck off!"

   Hermione turned her head to see two Gryffindor girls whispering to each other, but now they were giving the Potter girl a glare as they hurried off. Mia grumbled, waiting until they left her sight to look back at Hermione, who was giving her a look.


"I just didn't think it would bother you so much." Hermione shrugged, turning a page in her book.

  "No, Hermione." Mia waved her off, sarcasm clear in her tone "Harry and I becoming the pariahs of gryffindor tower doesn't bother me one bit."

  Hermione looked away, focused on her book as she tried to mask her hurt. "Crap, Mione, I'm sorry." Mia apologized, "I'm being a git. I couldn't eat this morning because of the staring."

   Hermione glanced up at her with a smile, "You worse than Ron with food sometimes." The young girl glanced up at the clock, before speaking again "It's about time for lunch so maybe head there early before everyone else."

   Mia lit up at the idea as she thought of all the food. The Potter girl scrambled towards her best friend, squeezing Hermione into a hug.

  "I would be a goner if I didn't have you in my life, Hermione Granger."

   The twelve year old groaned, but was smiling nevertheless as she pushed Mia off her. "You might want to start running."


"Because Madam Pince is walking over to us."

   Mia looked up with wide eyes to see Madam Pince, who did not look happy. "Well, that's my cue. Bye, Mione!"

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