where young mia potter protects her brother as the two siblings are thrown into the wizarding world
[ the philosopher's stone - the chamber of secrets ]
[ fred weasley x oc ]
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MIA HAS NEVER walked so much in her life. The first week of Hogwarts has been confusing, exhausting and all around amazing. Mia had befriended her dorm mates and has spend almost every moment with them.
Even though Mia was behind a lot more than others, Katie has told her over and over that Mia has been handling it way better than she did. Potion was surprisingly easy class for the Potter girl, considering Professor Snape's hatred for Mia and her brother.
When Friday finally arrived, the Potters siblings were finally able to have a conversation. Mia was asking Hermione how her week was when Ron and Harry sat opposite to them.
"Morning." Harry greeted, giving his sister a smile
Mia gave him a nod "Morning, boys. Finally able to make it to breakfast."
Ron let out a groan, "With how much running around we've been doing, it feels like my stomach is always empty."
Their attention was diverted when the owls sweeper through the Great Hall, indicating that the post arrived. Harry and Mia shared a confused look as they watched Hedwig drop a note on Harry's plate.
Mia leaned over to read the note with her brother.
Dear Harry and Mia,
I know you get Friday afternoons off, so would you like to come and have a cup of tea with me around three? I want to hear all about your first week. Send us an answer back with Hedwig.
The siblings were excited to hear from Hagrid, sharing smiles before Harry wrote his reply. Mia turned her head at the sound of her name being called to see Katie waving at her.
"Alright, have a good morning you three. I'll see you at Hagrid's, Harry."
Once Mia was done with her classes, she bid Katie a goodbye before heading down to Hagrid's. The teen found a mop of black hair, making her grin "Harry!"
Her little brother turned to see Mia right behind them "Hey, is it alright if Ron comes with us?" Mia nodded her head as she threw her arms around the boys' shoulders "I have no problem with it. Knowing Hagrid, he probably be like 'Of course, the more the merrier.'"
Harry let out a laugh, agreeing with his sister. "Now, come on. While we walk to Hagrid's, you two can tell me all about Potions."