mia sees her dead parents

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AT THE END of the day, Mia found herself truly stuffed as her and the Diggory siblings walked out of the Great Hall. The more time Mia spent at Hogwarts, the more she realized that she wasn't in a dream and her and Harry were truly where they belong.

Mia was nodding along to Holly's story about what they usually do on the Christmas' the siblings spent with their parents, when she felt something cold hit her head and then gliding down her back. The teen squealed at the sensation as she spun around to see Fred, along with his brothers and Harry all laughing their asses off.

"You are so dead, Weasley!"

Mia grabbed some snow, pounding it into a ball before throwing it straight at Fred's face. The snowball started an all out war as snow started to fly in every direction.

Once the snowball fight started to die down, the children were left cold and wet as they panted for air. Mia raised herself from the ground, helping Holly up when Fred spoke, "Merlin's beard, you have a wicked arm, Mia. I think I have bruises."

The teen girl laughed, "Well that's what you get for starting the fight."

The girls walked away from the boys, trying to warm themselves up then Holly broke the silence "This may be a little forward, but do you want to have a sleepover?"

Mia's brows shot up in surprised, she couldn't believe that she was gonna have her first sleepover. The black haired girl nodded, a big smile on her face "Yes!" Mia coughed, trying conceal her excitement "I mean, yeah that would be awesome."

"This is going to be so much fun. You are going to love it in Hufflepuff." Holly told her.

"Let me grab a change of clothes and then I'll meet you back at the Great Hall." Mia said, heading off towards the tower.

When Mia entered the Gryffindor Tower, she was met with the amusing sight of Percy chasing after the twins. "Mia, catch!" She easily caught the object that was flying towards her, realizing that it was Percy's prefect badge.

Mia placed her hands on her hips, like a disappointed mother "Do you know how hard Percy has worked for this?" The twins hung their heads with frowns, making Mia almost lose her act. 

"Here you go, Percy." Mia held her hand out towards the older boy, before he could take the badge she threw it towards George. "Whoops, it slipped out of my hand."

Mia headed up towards her room, gathering her pajamas before heading down the stairs again. She was almost out the door when she heard her brother call for her, "Mia, where are you going?"

"Don't worry," Mia gave her brother a smile as she ruffled his hair "I'm having a sleepover with Holly."

"Wow, that is cold." George shook his head with a smirk "Winning the sister over to get to the brother."

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