Pretty Boy?

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Bojan wouldn't call himself nosy, it was healthy to check who they were going up against. It was also healthy to mentally list who they believed they could beat, right? Now, he knows that winning isn't their whole reason for going to Eurovision but it sure would be nice. The boys sat with YouTube open on Jan's laptop checking out the competition. They sang through Sweden, screeched their way through Spain's, cha cha cha'd their way through Finland's and replayed Belgium's black and white entry three times to ensure that they had the lyrics down before the United Kingdom's started with synthetic beats and neon colours.

"That's him" Kris said as the British representative came into view on screen, likely to try and prove a point to a conversation that had been long forgotten, he was just meant with hmm's and a small eyebrow raise from Bojan.

"This feels.... repetitive" Jan says over the music as the third chorus played and the music video showed the lead in an empty London park.

"Repetitive does well though" Nace stressed remembering the articles Bojan made him read about the so called 'perfect Eurovision entry' which just so happened to be everything that they weren't doing.

"He's a pretty boy he'll do well either way!" Kris dismissed.

"So are we! Right Bojan?" Jan said tapping the Slovene on the shoulder to get his attention which was seemingly fixed on the video in front of them.

"hm? What? Oh, Yeah he's pretty," There was a moment of silence that fell as the other members of Joker Out all looked at each other before Kris finally spoke up.

"Not what we asked but okay" he giggles afterwards with Jure likely thinking of all of the ways he could take the piss out of Bojan for that for the next few hours

Sporting a blush that he would have denied under oath, Bojan rolled his eyes, pulled out his phone and did some light investigation. The Instagram of the Brit wasn't hard to find at all and besides, it was healthy to check who they were going up against, right? They were all going to meet up at the pre parties anyway so it was worth making some friends beforehand, yeah that seemed like a good way to justify it.

bojan_cvjeticanin started following Jack_DLedgister

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now