Turquoise Carpet

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Bojan huffed as he ran a hand through his hair and slammed his free hand against the guitar strings to silence them completely.

"Do you remember the chords to Jack's song?" he asked Kris who'd been sitting in the hotel room scrolling through social media trying to tune out the guitar and thus Bojan as a whole.

"hm? What'd you say?"

"Jack's song," he started, "do you remember what the chords sounded like?"

"The one for eurovision? Can't you google it? It's been out for a while," The taller man asked without really looking up .

"No! The one he played backstage!"

"Oh I don't know," Kris shrugged, "Why don't you just ask him?" 

"He's in rehearsal now and anyway i ...can't" Bojan shifted awkwardly, putting the guitar down beside him. 


"He wrote it for me! Well..about me!" the brunette blushed, "But i don't know if he knows i know that so if i ask he might think it's weird!"

"It was really obviously about you" Kris almost cringed remembering how blatantly obvious the two men pining over each other was that day. 

"Exactly!" Bojan whined also remembering that day and how he was almost too excited at the prospect of Jack writing about him to even commit the song to memory at the time. 

"So why'd you wanna learn to play it?"

"If he wrote it for me and he's not releasing it I don't wanna forget it!"

"Maybe he'll play it on your wedding day," Kris joked not expecting Bojan to pick up the guitar again and whisper...

"I wish."


"Do you think this is too much?" Jack asked as he turned from the mirror to show Felix his outfit that was admittedly a little more flashy than he was used to. 

"Yes," Felix said bluntly, "which is why it's perfect for a Eurovision event,"

The two of them were preparing for the turquoise carpet, their last official Eurovision event before the semi finals and the grand final. In a way Jack was glad that the stress and pressure of the parties were all over but that also meant that this whole experience was nearing its end and he didn't quite know how to feel about that. 

"It just...feels like a ballet outfit," he says looking down at the clothes he could see himself wearing on stage at a competition or recital. 

"Can you pirouette in it?" the brunette asked standing with his hands on his hips expectantly. Jack tried to turn on the stiff hotel carpet and couldn't lift his leg high enough to manage it due to the tighter trousers. 

"Not really? Why?"

"Then it's not a ballet outfit, it's a premiere outfit and you look great!" Felix took his friend gently by the shoulders to almost ground him to stop his thoughts spiraling. 

"You look great too," Jack smiled looking over the brunette's outfit. 

"I know," Felix smiles letting him go, "Besides Jan and Jere are probably going to be half naked I'm sure a bit of glitter won't be the most shocking thing seen on the carpet today,"

"That's true actually," jack laughed as he completely smoothed down the blue glittery shirt he chose. 

"Is imogen coming?" the other asked as he flung his jacket over his shoulders. 

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now