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Jack took his slippers off before he collected Felix's actual parcel and cooked part of tea before he had to leave for work at about ten to twelve. It took him about 45 minutes to get to the national theatre from his house meaning he has a decent journey on the 76 bus. Jack has a car but it's usually used by Dan seeing as he's the one that works all the way at White Lodge and it wouldn't work for all of them to have a car seeing as the parking situation outside their house is already cut throat.

On the bus,  he had Carpe Diem blasting in his ears inadvertently learning all the words despite not knowing at all what they meant. That's when he had an idea, he could just ask Bojan. He opened his phone and saw that Bojan was active, he had been basically all day, Jack could only hope that he wasn't spending too much time reading his comments, from experience he knew that that could do a number on someone's mental health.



I love your song by the way! 

What's it about?

It's about living life to the fullest rather than

worrying about the future 

I like that sentiment

Yours sounds pretty similar, no?

Far Too Young to Die

Haha i suppose you could say that

Is that not how you meant it?

Not quite


Then what does it mean?

Jack paused for a moment not only because he was being cautious not to miss his stop but also because he didn't know how to answer that, he was alright with telling journalists and interviewers the meaning behind his music but it was different when it was someone he was actually hoping to form a connection with. He wasn't quite ready to tell Bojan yet.


It's complicated to say over text 

You'll have to tell me in person in Barcelona 

He must have looked like an idiot smiling at his phone on the bus but he didn't care. He didn't know if Bojan was serious about calling it a date or even serious about the two of them hanging out together but he in that moment he didn't care. Let him live in his own little fantasy world for a little while, it can't hurt. 

He didn't tell anyone at work about Bojan, he wasn't really close enough to any of them to anyway and he'd noticed a lot of them treating him differently since he'd been announced for eurovision anyway. He knew that he can't really blame them but he did think it was quite odd that he was getting strange looks when the national theatre had seen the likes of David Tennant, Olivia Coleman and Andrew Scott walks in every day.  

Thankfully, he spent most hours away from people in the tech booth with the sound operator, Rufus, who was also Jack's oldest friend. The two of them went to primary school together and were practically inseparable ever since despite both of them moving from their home town to London at different times. Rufus used to edit Jack's youtube videos for him and had worked with him at the National for just under a year so Jack thought he might be the answer to the staging problem. Sure Rufus once fell off a ladder and almost broke an expensive piece of equipment and his arm and once almost accidentally shot Jack in cadets sniper training but for the most part, he knew what he was doing and he was usually always right. 

"Mate, can you have a look at this," Jack said as he pulled a black folder out of his blue jansport backpack. He passed it over to Rufus who opened it out onto the already cluttered desk. 

"What's this?" He asks.

"We have to design our own staging for eurovision and this is what i have so far."

Over the hour they had before the show started, the two of them managed to come up with the idea of a massive glass box (still small enough to be allowed on the stage) that acts like the inside of a house and the outside on the stage would represent freedom. They worked out that they could have light panels on the roof and floor of the box and LED Strips across the glass windows to make for some creative lighting . Overall, he left the conversation feeling a hell of a lot better than he did before hand. 

He'd never admit this, not even to Rufus who literally saw him  do it, but Jack became increasingly distracted by the prospect of Bojan on the other end of the phone while he was operating lights and spent most of the show checking his apple watch just to see what the slovenian had said. He was the lighting technician for the music Standing at the Sky's Edge which had over 90 lighting cues so in between texting Bojan he had to listen out for the DSM telling him to stand by where he'd quickly have to get ready to press the go button on the next lighting cue and go straight back to texting Bojan. 



Just finished planning the staging

What's yours like?

Basic, none of the pyrotechnics or big sets

The rest of the band need their instruments on stage  

How about yours? You don't have a band do you?

Nah it's just me 

I think 'just you' will be great😊 

You flatter me 🥰

After Jack pressed the final cue before the interval Rufus swivelled around in his chair taking his headset off. "Who'd you keep texting? You never normally do that through shows"

"Huh? What?" Jack looked over slightly but went back to looking at his phone, "Oh, no one."

Rufus laughed a bit under his breath at Jack's awful attempt at getting him off his back, "I see, you're too famous to do your job now is it?"

"What?? No! Of course not it's just-" Jack floundered slightly looking for the right thing to say

"You have a fat crush on someone else in the competition?" 

Jack's head snapped up to look at Rufus for a moment, "What are you on about no i don't!"

His friend folded his arms, "You know for a guy i've seen act since the age of 8 you're being very bad it at right now" 

"I'm not acting! or.. lying i don't have a crush on him!" Rufus smirked as he left the tech booth to go to the loo.

"I'll remind you you said that in a few weeks Jack." 

Fucks sake, Rufus was usually always right. 

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now