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From the moment he woke up, at seven o'clock to make sure he didn't miss the postman, Jack was mentally going through his to do list. Work on the staging design for eurovision, Cook tea, go to work, email Will from Wiwi Blogs back about an interview, cancel his 7:30 boxing class, reply to the pretty european in his dm's ....wait....what was that last one?

He checked his messages early that morning as he always did and almost screamed when he saw it.



The fit one, eh?

Realistically, he knew he'd have to talk to him at some point and there was absolutely no way he hadn't seen the clip that everyone had been tagging him in. He debated charging down to the BBC Broadcasting House to have it out with Felix after he made this happen but then he remembered that he has an appointment there at the end of the month so he'll want to keep in their good books.

Thinking about his response took up the better part of the morning, it's a miracle he managed to brush his teeth, make the bed and make some tea without burning himself he was that distracted.

"Yeah, and what?"

Too mean, delete...


Too.....much, delete...

"Would you rather i'd called you the short one?"

Too forward, delete...


Too weird, delete...

He tried to keep his mind off it by working on the staging for eurovision, he had a list of the rules he'd been sent in front of him and tried his best to translate them into something creative. Realistically, he knew he wasn't going into eurovision to win especially not when he was competing against the likes of loreen so really the goal is to create the most compelling performance possible. He's been a performer since the age of three so that can't be so hard can it?

Turns out yes, yes it can. He spent ages deciding whether he'd rather focus on the proscenium aspect ot whether he can cater to both that and the thrust aspect of the stage, will he use white lights or coloured, will he use a follow spot, does the arena even have follow spots? does he need a feature piece or can he carry the stage by himself and- oh fuck it he'd rather just text Bojan back.



Haha sorry yeah, my mates were just winding me up x

Is what he finally went with, he'd have over thought this kiss on the end a bit more had he not have been desperate for the distraction though in all fairness he had little time for over thinking when his message was read immediately.


So you don't think i'm 'fit?' i'm so heartbroken

Never said i didn't

Is that so? 👀

We'll be in barcelona next week

if you wanna see how fit i am in person

Are you asking me on a date? 🤔

He's fucked it, he's fucked it, he's massively fucked it. He turns his phone off the second he saw the message was read and threw his head in his hands like a love struck teenage girl. What kind of person flirts that hard on the first day of talking to someone, now Bojan probably just thinks he thinks way too much into jokes like a weirdo, he'll never want to talk to him and the next three months will be the most awkward thing ever.

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now