Flat Talks: Eurovision!

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Whatever image Jack had in his head of how his rise to fame would start, you can be pretty sure that it would not include his house mate Felix jumping on top of him while he slept to yell, "YOU HIT 5 MILLION!!!" 

Jack rolled over, less than pleased, to face him rubbing his eyes slightly, "The hell are you on about?" he asks as the brunette thrusts a far too bright phone in his hand. The screen displayed the Brit's Youtube channel which true to Felix's word, displayed the number 5,001,025 subscribers. 

Jack's never been all that serious about youtube, he started it as a class project for his creative iMedia GCSE but it just sort of stuck and he developed a passion for film and cinematography. Initially, he didn't think people would be all that interested in his content, I mean they were just silly little vlogs and the occasional choreography video but for whatever reason people stuck around even after he stopped replicating the work of other cinematographers and slowly developed his own. For something that he didn't think would ever go anywhere, he went from shooting with a cheap DSLR to a black magic pocket cine though not always on the streets of London with that one. 

After being woken up early he knew he wouldn't get back to sleep especially not with how excited he now was. He hears his other housemate Dan get up for work at about six and decides that he should get up and do something to feel productive. 

As he worked out in the nearly empty gym, he wondered if this is what those 'i woke up at 5am for a week and this is how it changed my life' titkokers felt like every day. Out of curiosity, he decided to stick on the eurovision 2023 playlist as he knew he wasn't nearly as up to date with his fellow performers as he should be and he wanted to be ready for the inevitable 'what's your favourite...?" question. 

He sorted all of the songs that were out yet into categories, ballads and strange and decided he liked the strange category slightly more. Watergun and bridges reminded him of the thousands of contemporary dance competitions he'd done in his youth, tattoo made him slightly regret not using his belting ability in the competition though he'd never admit that, Heart of Steel and Queen of Kings made him feel bad ass and he marked Due Vite as one to show Felix later cause he figured he'd like that one best. 

He had his answer to which was his favourite after over an hour of paying it way too much attention when he realised he'd missed one as he was about to replay La Zarra's entry. One with just under a million streams which he thought was impressive, labeled 'Carpe Diem.' He had no idea what they were saying but he'd become accustomed to that so it didn't put him off. He liked it, it had heart and felt different to all of the others that were just that little bit too polished and perfect sounding. This sounded like it came from a best mates garage band session and he oddly appreciated that. He liked the song on spotify and made a mental note to check out who they were later as he headed to work.

That day, he got off of work earlier than usual so he decided he'd use the extra time he had that night to do a quick live stream, he figured it was easier than editing a whole Q&A video and he always liked interacting with fans though calling them fans still felt arrogant even after almost ten years of having a platform.

When he gets in he quickly scrans a packet of crisps and puts out a quick instagram story to announce his plan

When he gets in he quickly scrans a packet of crisps and puts out a quick instagram story to announce his plan

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