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The boys of Joker Out had shifted the bed they had to the side slightly so that they had significantly more floor space which was littered with Uno cards. Bojan was frantically whizzing around the room picking up wires and straightening up the little coffee pods the hotel gave them on the desk.

"Jure please pick up your underwear!" He stressed to the drummer who was splayed out on the floor, shuffling the cards. 

"Why? Who's coming? The president?" Jure joked making the rest of the boys laugh under their breath, they'd been sharing jokes all day about and they've only gotten worse the more frantic Bojan's become. 

"C'mon! it's really important that we make a good impression,"

"it's a hotel room! He's gonna know that if it's messy it's cause there are five men living in one room for a weekend! Bojan, calm down we're not gonna embarrass you we're just gonna be ourselves," Jan tried to comfort him.

"I think that's what he's afraid of," Nace laughed elbowing Jan. 

"I just don't want him to think i'm messy and...incapable of taking care of myself" Bojan shuffled from foot to foot, he knew he was attractive and he knew he could perform but when it came to Jack judging him as a person, that's where the insecurities come out.

"Bojan, you want him to see who you really are, if he doesn't love you for that then maybe he's not- "

Kris was cut off by three solid knocks on their hotel room door. Bojan jumped slightly and rushed to open the door smiling at the two brits on the other side.

"Hey! We didn't wanna come empty handed if we were already crashing your party," Jack puts down a range of snacks he'd brought and instantly throws a few in Nace's direction, "They're the only gluten free ones i could find,"

Nace stares down at the snacks in his hand then gets Bojan's attention with a serious look in his eye, he points towards Jack. "Keep him." 

"I'm trying to," Bojan says under his breath as he closes the door. 

Everyone settled down their respective spaces after pulling out the tiny hotel desk into the middle of the room as a games table. 

"What rules are we playing with?" Felix asked pulling up a camping chair right next to Jure. 

"There's different rules?" Jan questioned as he started to dish out the previously shuffled uno cards into equal piles in front of the men.  

"Yeah! Are we playing with the sevens rule?"

"What's that?" Jure leaned forwards interested as there was seemingly a games rule that he, the king of card games, did not know about. 

"Basically if someone puts down a seven card then everyone had to be silent until someone puts down another card,"

"What happens if you talk?" Kris asked.

"You get given a card for every word you say,"

"I love it!" Kris replies as he instantly pulls a seven card from the pile and hands it straight to Bojan causing him to be swiftly hit over the head with it by the smaller man. 

Eventually as they played the game with Jure leading by a landslide, a sveen card was put down and everyone instantly went silent except for Bojan who was not only not paying attention but was too busy looking at Jack who was listening to him talk about his love of dachshunds. 

"Nace and me actually-" Bojan was cut off by Kris excitedly slamming four cards in front of him, "What's this?" Two more cards.

The brit did his best to gesture Bojan's attention towards the pile with a smug seven on the top. 

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now