Warsaw & Tel Aviv

83 5 3

TW: Mentions of past abuse and violence, starred with * at the beginning and end.


"What was that all about?" Felix asked as the two got back to their hotel room. 

"What was what all about?" the blonde tried not to look his friend in the eye as he rushed around picking out his outfit and ensuring he had everything ready. 

"Get well soon Bojan," he mocked batting his eyelashes, "here Bojan have my jumper ," 

Jack rolled his eyes playfully and pushed past Felix to the bathroom to shower leaving the brunette throwing mocking lines from the bedroom. 

"I love you Bojan!!"


Bojan stayed cuddled up in Jack's jumper all the way through their sound check after putting it on over his party outfit making the excuse that he was freezing without it, ignoring Jure who pointed out that Bojan had packed many of his own jumpers and even brought a coat. 

He kept taking sips of water to combat how shit he felt, taking deep breaths and unintentionally breathing in more of Jack's scent, not that he was complaining. 

The nice people at the venue even agreed to turn the speakers down as much as possible to a 'headache friendly level' so Bojan didn't feel like crying but even that was rough. He was that dizzy, he had a hard job keeping track of where the edge of the stage was in relation to his feet so he didn't end up tumbling off the stage. 

Towards the end of their soundcheck, the door to the venue opened and Jack walked in waving enthusiastically at the boys. He waited until they were done and helped Bojan of the stage due to the aforementioned dizziness. 

"I have a present for you!" He says as he holds out a small brown bag. The slovenian opened the bag and pulled out a lovely looking pack of cookies. Seriously,  if Jack wasn't around Bojan probably wouldn't have eaten at all. 

"Thank you for keeping our singer alive today," Jan laughed as he approached Jack and the two shared a friendly hug. 

"Is Felix coming?" Jure asked trying to sound as nonchalant as possible making Nace chuckle under his breath.

"He's coming later don't worry," Jack answered smiling knowingly at the blonde drummer. 

 "You look great by the way," Bojan smiled. 

"Thank you! You look better!" Jack gently placed his hand on Bojan's forehead again to feel his temperature, "How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay, you don't have to worry," Jan and Nace gave each other a look, rolling their eyes knowing that Bojan's been complaining for the past two hours. 

The brit wasn't performing that night which meant he had plenty of time to get a perfect spot to watch the great Joker Out perform, at just the right angle so that Jure could be seen at the back rather than hidden behind Nace or Jan for Felix's sake. 

As the performance started getting rough for Bojan, he looked around around the crowd only to see Jack giving him a thumbs him and a sweet smile, encouraging him to keep going. He used all the energy he could without passing out to show the polish audience and all of the people definitely filming the performance what he, and the rest of Joker Out could do because even if he felt like shit, he loved performing and it was important to the band. 



At the after party, everything was getting a bit much for Bojan, the nausea was coming back, he was switching between boiling and freezing every second, alcohol hadn't helped and his head was pounding not helped by the music or the fact that he'd used all of his energy performing earlier. He was so overwhelmed and overstimulated; He felt so many eyes on him, like everyone recording for their own vlogs and stories and social medias were waiting for him to double over and throw up even though there was only Jack who was paying him much attention. 

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now