1 am

72 3 2

Staying up until past 1am just to talk to Jack was really starting to get to Bojan, he never would have thought that the time difference of an hour between their two countries would have him almost falling asleep into his breakfast the morning after. Jan nudged him and he pulled his head off of the table, taking a bite out of the toast he'd forgotten he was holding. 

"You okay Bojci?" His friend asked taking the seat next to him. 

"Yeah i'm great!" He said trying to convince Jan he hadn't just been asleep on a plate of toast, he picked up his phone to check if his past message had been responded to but it hadn't yet.

"Did you stay up all night texting Jack?" 

"No!" Bojan said defensively, "not all night..."

"Be careful okay?" Jan said, his voice gentle and caring. 

"Hm? Be careful of what?" 

"You...love very intensely and very quickly and it gets you hurt sometimes just...be careful cause you don't really know him you've been texting for five days "

"I never said i might love him!" 

"You didn't have to," Jan said sympathetically picking crumbs out of Bojan's hair before walking away. He quickly ran his hands through his greasy brown hair to get the rest of the crumbs out realising that he definitely needed to shower before he did anything that day. 

When he got out of the shower, the first thing Bojan did was check his phone almost dropping straight into the shower when he saw he had a notification from exactly who he was waiting for.



My flight lands too late to really do anything so

would you wanna meet up on thursday?


We could explore the city if you wan't 

and go to the beach if the weather's nice

Cool! 😄 I'll get you the name of my hotel 

He smiled at his phone for longer than he should have, this was going to be good, Bojan would make sure of it.

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now