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Thankfully, Jack was right. The Warsaw incident had been all but forgotten about by the time they were on the plane to Madrid, a few people still clung onto it but for the most part both of their fan bases (which were slowly becoming combined) defended the both of them and despite their worrying, their relationship wasn't affected at all and the two of them only got closer, facetiming and texting whenever they were apart and sticking like magnets when they were together. 

In Madrid, all seven of them basked in the heat, picking up snacks and various souvenirs. As they walked through the main square, Jack pulled out his black magic camera to get some nice shots; he was more assured that his camera wouldn't get nicked in Madrid like it would in central London. 

"That's a fancy fucking camera!" Bojan said as he immediately shoved his face as close to the lens as humanly possible, choosing not to lick it like he planned to when Jack told him how expensive it was. 

"I think it was worth it though! It's not the best camera i have but it's good for basic cinematography,"

"How come it looks all grey?"  Bojan asked moving from the lens to look at the monitor. 

"I'm shooting in raw," 

"What's that mean?"

"It means i can colour grade easier in editing, it takes all of the colour out of the video so i can change or alter the colour in post," the brit explained, getting excited about one of his hobbies

"That's why your youtube videos all look so pretty!" 

"You've watched all my youtube videos?" Jack raised an eyebrow almost blushing at the thought of Bojan sitting there and watching all of his vlogs. 

"Not...all of them," Bojan mumbled, "i was just checking out the competition!"

"mhmm," Jack laughed as he started searching through his backpack, "Ah shit"

"What? You okay?"

"Yeah i just have a bit of a headache," he said putting a head up to his forehead to try and cool himself down. 

"Oh man did you take anything for it?" Bojan asked now understanding how Jack felt when he was sick, "I think Nace has painkillers if you-"

"No no it's okay i think it's just a bit hot and i didn't bring any water, i thought i had some in my bag," 

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No no i'm fine! I'll be fine!" Jack assured not convincing Bojan though. 

"I don't want you passing out!" The singer stressed, "Do you wanna go get some or go out for lunch or something?" 

"Are you sure they're gonna be alright without us?" Jack asked as he watched Felix and Jure fighting Jan for Churros. 

"It'll take them an hour to even notice c'mon!" the brunette took Jack's hand, dragging him out of the square and towards the closest cafe knowing the way almost like he'd been planning this. 



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Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now