S(econd) S(emi) F(inal)

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On the morning of the second semi final, Bojan did not know how to behave. He'd forced hotel breakfast and coffee down his throat even if it didn't help his twisted stomach at all and he'd settled into an internal battle of wondering how early was too early to start warming up.

As he was about to start his second lap of pacing the hotel room, he heard the door knock which only slightly made him jump. Figuring it was just Jan losing his keys again or their manager coming to check if he was still alive,  he swung open the door only grunting a quick, "hey" to whoever it was.

"Kris texted me and said you were stressing," A familiar British accent said chipperly instantly making Bojan run a hand through his hair to fix it as soon as he realised who it was, "so i thought you could use a pick me up!"

"You're not gonna pick me up again are you?" Bojan asked cautiously as he backed off vividly remembering practically dangling off of the edge of the boat.

"A metaphorical pick me up," the blonde laughed, "I thought we could go out for lunch,"

"Oh..." he didn't want to say he'd just eaten breakfast, he'd need the energy anyway so eating once more couldn't hurt, "I'd like that"

They settled in a small restaurant not far from the hotel that was quite dark giving them slightly less chance of being recognised.

Jack squinted at the menu, the low light hurting his eyes and finally making him give in, pulling his glasses out of his pocket.

"I think i'm gonna get the-" Bojan looked up when he spoke causing Jack to too, "Since when do you wear glasses?!" the brunette couldn't help but ask.

"I'm supposed to wear them for reading,"

"Hm," Bojan thought before replying with an assured determination, "Never take those off"


"You look so hot with them on" he admitted leaning forwards to carefully mess with them on Jack's face to which the Brit laughed and gently swatted his hand away.

When their food came, Bojan noticed that Jack ate quickly, almost impossibly so with the brunette still only half way through by the time he'd put his knife and fork down. Bojan was about to joke about it but remembered that might not be a good idea while it was still on the tip of  his tongue, he swallowed the remark along with the next bite of his dinner, letting the blonde just watch him eat.

"Jack?" He asked pulling the other out of the slight trance.

"hm?" Jack asked, his head quickly snapping up slightly to pay attention.

Bojan shuffled slightly turning the fork in his hand to try and calm the small spine of nerves he just had, "Is this a date?"

Jack stiffened instantly, pulling his elbow off of the table, smiling almost sheepishly. "if you want it to be,"

Bojan just nodded.



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Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now