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Trigger warning: brief mentions of abuse, sexual abuse, self harm, eating disorders and stalking. Theyre incredibly brief and marked with * at the beginning and end. Skipping that bit won't lose any real important bits of the story it's just in a small paragraph about Jack's backstory. Stay safe :)

The day after London was strange to Bojan, he woke up in Jack's house with his phone blowing up from texts and calls from the boys and their team alongside the usual social media notifications. As his eyes adjusted, his focus drifted from the messages up to the time. 10:43.

Joker Out's flight was at 7:00am sharp.

He flung off the blanket that Jack gave him and rushed upstairs almost bumping straight into Dan on the stairs as he did so.

"FUCKING HELL!" Dan yelled as he nearly collided with the singer, "what the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Which ones Jack's room???" He asked without answering, Dan looked confused and pointed to the brown wooden door with theatre masks painted on it.

Bojan pushed through the door and made his way into Jack's room, he hadn't been in here or even upstairs beyond the toilet when he was last here. Even in his panicked state he still understood how intimate this was, this was Jack's most private space where he'd probably laughed and cried  and a few other things Bojan didn't wanna think about, he'd carefully decorated this room with his trophies, clothes, furniture and a ...framed picture of him and Bojan, granted the rest of Joker Out were in it as well but it was the two of them that were in the middle of it, arms wrapped around each other smiling wider than anyone thought possible. It stopped him in his tracks for a moment smiling at the thought of Jack specifically printing off the picture where they looked happy together, he hopes they'll be many more of those photos especially after last night. Shaking off that thought he quickly remembered what he was in there for.

"Jack! Jack wake up!" Bojan pushed the brit gently at first but slowly got more and more intense, Jack shot up ready to whack Bojan in the face but thankfully restrained himself.

"Bojan! What the hell-"

"My flight left at 7."

The Brit slowly pulled himself up, letting his eyes adjust to the mid morning light that Bojan let in by opening the door.

"And what time is it now?"

"Almost 11."



They quickly drive back to the hotel to collect Bojan's things, with Jack insisting that he carry his suitcases back to the car despite Bojan's protestations.

"What time did you say the next flight was?"

"Three Pm," Bojan answers, " can always come with me if you want,"

"To Slovenia?" The Brit asked raising an eyebrow, "with no luggage, no passport and without telling anyone where I went? They'll think you kidnapped me."

"Would that be so bad?" Bojan smirked.

"As much as I would love to run away to a foreign country for a week I don't think that's very clever at the moment"

"Not even if I'm there?" The brunette flashed the closest thing he had to puppy dog eyes making Jack shake his head, looking away to cover the blush he suspected he might have.

"Do you wanna play some music?" Jack asked to cover the slight awkwardness in the air, "My phone'll automatically bluetooth if you wanna just use mine," he pointed down at his phone which was flung in the front storage console. Bojan picks up Jack's phone studying the lockscreen for a moment which is of Jack and a girl he recognises from Jack's vlogs but can't remember the name of. He felt weird that he knew so much about Jack's life without the brit ever telling him but he did post it all on the internet so it wasn't like it was stalking. He knew the girl was one of Jack's best friends but he couldn't help that feeling of jealousy, imagining the picture of him and Jack from the Brit's room plastered all over Jack's lockscreen for all to see instead of whoever this was.

Far Too Young To Die | A Bojan Cvjetićanin x Male!OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now