1K 24 8

"What first?" Romulus asks me when we enter the training room.  We are not the first ones here, but we are also not the last.

I purse my lips, thinking.  I know Jason and Nero told us earlier today to go for the weapons stations first, to show off and prove that we're not to be messed with, but what if we need survival skills in the arena?  In that regard, we're pretty much clueless.

Deciding to follow my brother's orders, I gesture to the weaponry rack, and we both head over.  Amethyst and Blaze are already there before us, with Amethyst practicing knife throwing while Blaze favours a machete.

We greet each other with handshakes and simple small talk before I peruse the choice of weapons on the rack.  Naturally, my preferred choice are twin knives, light to carry and easily to manipulate, but I'll be better off saving some of my skills in my arsenal instead of just throwing them around on the first day.

Running my hands over the weapons, I pick up a sword and test its grip and weight, before I swing it down in a single death blow which would have decapitated my opponent if they were right in front of me.  Then heading over to the simulation station, I choose the hardest level and begin my performance.

With each slash and swing, I can feel the number of eyes on me growing as I glide through the soldiers that dissolve into dust as soon as my sword pierces them.  My moves are graceful yet deadly, fitting for a tribute from district 2, soon-to-be victor.

Within 10 minutes, the level is over, yet I've barely broken a sweat.  I smirk victoriously as I leave the tributes watching the show speechless. 

"Your turn," I say to Romulus when he praises me and claps me on the back.  Together, we'll show the tributes that district 2 is not to be messed with.


"Urgh, this is impossible," I complain when I fail to tie the knot for the umpteenth time.

It's the second day of training, and after my spectacular performance yesterday with the sword, I decide to turn to some of the survival skills available, while the other careers are still showing off with their weapons.

"I can help you with that if you want."

I jolt with a startle, having been under the impression that I am alone at this station.  I turn to the gentle voice, immediately identifying her as Annie Cresta, a tribute from district 4.

Taking my silence as a yes, she takes the ropes from me and shows me how to tie it properly, explaining every step along the way.

"Thanks," I say briefly once I manage to tie it by myself.

Annie smiles and goes back to her own knot-tying, leaving me wondering why on earth she helped her competitor.  We're all tributes here, and she has no reason to help me.  We're not even allies for crying out loud, and there's no way that I will ally with her.  Although she's also from a career district and a tribute from district 4 has a notable skillset, Annie is a kind soul and she's too gentle to kill or to win.

After a bit more practice with the knots, I decide to check out a few other survival stations before rejoining the careers in a bit of friendly sparring.

The next day marks our third and final day of training, which is when we'll be having our private session and getting a score out of 12. 

No doubt I'm guaranteed a high score, an 8 or 9 at the very least, but I need to be outstanding if I want all those sponsors to notice me.

"Harmony Skylar, district 2."

I get up from my seat when they call my name, just in time to see Romulus leaving, a grin on his face indicating he's done well.

When I enter the room, the head gamemaker says, "You have 10 minutes, starting now."

I put on a confident expression, having already planned out what I'm going to perform.  Going over to the weapons rack, I pick out a staff and two daggers, my nimble fingers running over the hilts expertly.  A trainer appears in front of me, but I raise my head to call out to the gamemakers, unsatisfied, "Can you send a few more people in here?  One opponent is too boring."

A few of the gamemakers give me an odd look, but they oblige, knowing that since I'm from a career district, I would've been trained well to hold my own.

Once the battle begins, I unleash one of the daggers to attack while using my staff to defend.  With a powerful roundhouse kick, one of the trainers is down.  Five to go.

Rolling across the floor, I snatch up the dagger I threw and stabs it in the nearest trainer's arm.  With another jab and a hook, he's down as well. 

Now, my four remaining opponents are circling me, and I smile, deciding to give the gamemakers the best show possible.  Using my daggers, I slash and slice, not deep enough to kill, just enough to hurt and ensure my opponents' moves turn slugged. 

With a smooth backflip, I jump out of the trapped circle and land next to one of the trainers already down on the ground.  I pick up the sword clattered on the ground by his hand, replacing it with my discarded daggers.  It's better to show my expertise with several types of weapons.

Within a few more minutes, all my opponents are down and disarmed, with me standing above them victoriously.  I glance at the clock, indicating that my time is almost up.  Just in time as well. 

With a confident smirk, I bow graciously and leave the room.


"Now, announcing the scores of the tributes..."

I'm currently with Romulus and the other district 2 tributes, waiting expectantly for the results of the private sessions.

They first announced the scores of district 1, with both of the tributes receiving high scores: Blaze with a 9 and Amethyst with a 10.

"From district 2, we have Romulus, with a score of 10."

Romulus punches his hand in the air in victory while his mentor congratulates him.

"Now, also from district 2, Harmony Skylar, with a score of..."

A\N: Hi, everyone!  Thank you for reading.  I'm gonna try to post as often as I can, so that I can finish Harmony's backstory faster and get to the more interesting parts.  If you like my story, please consider voting and commenting cause it'll mean a lot to me!!

Should I make a casting for my characters??

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now