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Time seems to pass too quickly, and we're arriving at the Capitol before I know it.

During our journey, Jason and I have watched the rest of the reapings along with the other district 2 victors, and heavy weights drop onto my heart in a never-ending avalanche when I hear the names being announced.

Cashmere and Gloss from 1.

Mags and Finnick from 4.

Blight and Johanna from 7.

These are the ones that make me dread this year's games the most.

Unsurprisingly, the tributes from district 12 are the star-crossed lovers themselves: Katniss and Peeta. Victors of the 74th Hunger Games.

With the stunt that they pulled with the nightlock last year, I can't say I'm not interested in what they'll bring to the table this year.


At district 12's compartment a few hours earlier...

"So out of all the victors we're up against, who do we need to be the most mindful of?" Katniss asks Haymitch. If she's going to keep Peeta alive, she needs to prepare. And that means knowing her most fearsome opponents.

Haymitch's voice is unflinchingly blunt as he answers, "All of them."

"You said it yourself: they're all existing victors, meaning they're veteran killers and are a thousand times more experienced than the tributes you two faced last year," Haymitch goes on to explain at Katniss' and Peeta's terrified expressions. "And since they've won their games, many of them have also gained popularity at the Capitol, which means that it'll be easy for them to gain sponsors."

"So? What can we do then?" Katniss asks, her panic rising along with her tone of voice. "How do we kill these people?"

Haymitch remains silent for a moment longer, then says in a quieter tone that doesn't quite match Katniss' enraged one, "Some of them are my friends. Some of them I've known for a long time. Do you think this is easy for me?"

He doesn't sound accusing, rather more defeated, which is probably what makes Katniss pause and think about her next words.

"We understand, Haymitch," Peeta cuts in to dissipate the tension. "We just want some information on how best to stay alive longer in the arena for now. Who to avoid, for example. Who the best fighters are."

"Believe me, you're going to encounter a lot of good fighters this years," Haymitch replies. "But the best ones that come to mind..."

"Cashmere and Gloss," Haymitch says as he shows the, a picture of the two.

"Siblings?" Katniss asks, narrowing her eyes at the photo as her gaze sweeps over it and scrutinises every detail.

"Yeah, they won their games back to back. Both careers, vicious and deadly."

"Who else?" Peeta asks.

"Finnick Odair from district 4. The Capitol's golden boy. In terms of popularity, he most likely takes the prize."

"And in terms of combat?" asks Katniss as she flicks through the pictures Haymitch set out on the table.

"He was the youngest to win the Hunger Games at only 14. A sponsor gifted him a trident, and all the other tributes were dead within days. You ask me if he's a good fighter? You tell me."

Katniss and Peeta stare sombrely at the table, their countenances dejected. But Haymitch isn't finished yet.

"Johanna Mason," he continues as he places her picture in front of the two. "Won her games by acting weak and naive, then revealed herself as a great fight in the end and swooped in to take her victory."

"At least she won't be able to use the same tactic this time around," Peeta reasons.

"What about the rest of the careers? District 2?" Katniss asks after waiting a short moment for the information to sink in.

"Jason and Harmony Skylar," Haymitch announces in a grave tone. "Also a sibling duo. They won their games at 15 and 16 years old respectively. Both extremely skilled fighters proficient in almost every weapon available."

At this, Peeta intakes a sharp breath but says nothing, while Katniss bites out, "I'm sure we can handle them."

"Confidence is good when needed, but overconfidence can be your downfall," Haymitch warns ominously as both Katniss and Peeta quiets down and listen intently.

"Trust me, you do not want to cross those two. Under any circumstances. Especially if all of the careers are allied this year, like the years before."

"Jason won his games at 15, having killed off the majority of his opponents himself. He was the youngest victor in Panem, before Finnick broke his record at 14, that is. The two of them are close friends, and they've known each other for a long time."

"What about his sister?" Peeta asks.

"Harmony Skylar," Haymitch says, revealing a photo of a radiant but deadly-looking girl in solid gold armour and a pair of golden wings. The photo seems to be from the parade of the 70th Hunger Games.

"They call her the Angel. And she's definitely not to be underestimated."

Katniss slumps down on her seat, letting out a frustrating sigh as she contemplates the best way to let Peeta leave the arena safely. With all of the skilled and experienced victors that Haymitch warned them about, the odds are against them.

"Who do you think will ally with who this year?" Peeta continues asking Haymitch for any other intel he can give. "The careers? The lower districts?"

"In all honesty, I can't be sure," Haymitch replies as he scans through the photos on the table again. "The victors this year... some of them have a very interesting dynamic."

"A dynamic that will make them stronger? Or a weakness we can exploit?" Katniss interrupts in a cutthroat manner, ever so practical.

"That remains to be seen."

At that moment, the train begins to roll to a stop, and an announcement regarding their arrival at the Capitol broadcasts throughout the compartments.

Katniss takes one last deep breath before she steps out of the train, following Haymitch and Peeta and all the rest of the others.

This Quarter Quell is without a doubt more difficult and dangerous than the 74th Hunger Games. And it's about to begin. 

A/N: Thank you all for 7K reads!!  I'm currently working on the next chapter, but it probably won't be updated until sometime next week because I'm really busy this week, sorry!

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now