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Three and a half years later...

"On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."

President Snow's announcement for the 75th Quarter Quell is broadcasted on live television over all of the districts, and I don't miss the discreet venomous smile at the corner of his lips.

When his words gradually start to sink in, my emotions go through several phases.

First, the stage of shock. Which doesn't last more than several seconds.

Then, fear and alarm. For I might possibly be going back into the arena.

However, pushing these useless and weak thoughts aside, temporarily numbing myself and removing the feeling of fear, another emotion takes ahold of me: anger.

The deal for us victors — told to the public, at least — is that we get to live in peace after winning the games. Snow has already broken that deal by selling our bodies to the wealthiest members of the Capitol every time we visit. And now, he's making us return to the arena and back into the games?

Not to mention the stunt that last year's victors from district 12 pulled. Having 2 victors should be against the rules; no wonder the other existing victors seem so sour and bitter.

It seems pretty obvious that this year's Quarter Quell will be serving its purpose by splitting apart the star-crossed lovers once again. As well as getting rid of other popular and powerful victors in the districts.

Makes one wonder if this whole thing is rigged. But then I remember that it probably is, with how everything has turned out and what Snow's capable of doing.

As soon as I leave my mansion to go meet the rest of my family in the mansion adjacent to mine, my brother answers the door almost immediately with a terrified expression on his face.

"Harmony, you saw the announcement, didn't you?" Jason asks me, although the answer is obvious with the way I'm close to collapsing down onto the floor.

"Yeah, I saw it," I reply as he moves aside to let me in. "How are our parents reacting to it?"

"Not as bad as I thought," Jason says, leading me into his drawing room. "Their initial reaction was shock, but now they seem almost glad for the announcement. They seem to have the illusion that if one of us won, it could bring our family even greater honour. As if the attention we have right now isn't enough for them." He purses his lips, his tone sounding bitter and just a bit disapproving.

A heavy weight presses down on my heart when we come to the door at the drawing room and our parents on the couch greet me with smiles on their faces, as if already imagining me in the spotlight in the Capitol, clad in luscious clothes for the parade and once again preparing to enter the arena.


On the day of the reaping for the Quarter Quell, the atmosphere seems sinister and silent as the escort for our district, Elsa, says her usual speech.

Her words are the same, but there is a minuscule change in the way she says it. With a bit more emotion perhaps, since she personally knew the existing victors of our district rather well herself.

"As always, ladies first," Elsa announces as she turns her attention to the glass bowl only containing three small slips of paper.

Three names. Three victors.

Lyme. Enobaria. And me.

Who will this year's tribute be? Who will be returning into the games,into the arena, into the inescapable horror and bloodshed that awaits us?

Time seems to painfully slow down as Elsa picks up a slip and reads it. The three of us stand silently on the platform, our fates hanging on her next words.

"Harmony Skylar."

Time stills. Everything stills. There is no sound in my ears apart from the uncontrollable pounding of my own heart, quickening with every breath I take and every second that passes.

I only find the resolve to step forward when Enobaria next to me nudges my arm.

Although I feel shaky inside, a rational voice at the back of my mind reminds me not to show any weakness, but put on a facade to keep steady and strong. With a slight smirk on my face, I'm hopefully conveying the message to everyone watching that I'm proud of this opportunity to return to the games and to gain even more recognition, when inside I actually feel like breaking down and crying until there's no tears left to cry.

Elsa gives me a sad but reassuring look, almost a look of pity, but I smile back in return, not allowing myself to show my true emotions.

I glance back at Enobaria and Lyme, who refuse to meet my eyes. I'm not too close with Lyme, since she's quite a bit older than me and hangs out more with her middle-aged friends and victors, but I am rather close with Enobaria.

I know that neither of them will volunteer to take my place though. But I don't blame them. If I were in their position, I wouldn't either.

Now, Elsa turns away from me, setting her sights on the male tributes and the glass bowl that holds the names.

Please don't be Jason. Please, please, please.

It's bad enough that I'm going back in. I don't know how I'll live if Jason's the one going back in with me. Knowing that only one of us can make it out.

I hold my breath as Elsa unfolds the slip of paper she picks up.

My prayers are in vain.

Elsa shoots me another sorrowful and pitying look that I can't bear, which confirms my fears. She turns to the male victors and announces, looking straight at my brother:

"Jason Skylar."

A/N: And we're back with Part 3 — Catching Fire!!  My aim for now is to update at least once a week, twice if possible, but please bear with me since I'm super busy irl as well.  Thank you so much for your reads and support up to now, and I hope you'll continue enjoying this story!

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