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A/N: Hi, everyone!  Thank you for 500 votes!  Next target — can we get to 20K reads and 1000 votes?

My heartbeat quickens in alarm at Johanna's question, cautious not to show any signs on the exterior that I'm caught. How did she know that I was on the rooftop eavesdropping?

"What are you talking about?" I ask in a nonchalant voice, even cocking my head to the side with a mildly confused expression for good measure.

"Oh please, you can stop your pretending," Johanna says. "I saw you. The others may be blind, but I sure as hell am not."

"Well, in that case," I retort as I return to my normal tone of voice, immediately changing tact, "I didn't learn much apart from the fact that you're all apparently having some kind of secret meetings now and are keeping something from me. Mind filling in the blanks?"

"And get murdered by your brother? And maybe even Finnick?" Johanna scoffs. "No thanks. Even I'm not that bold." She mutters the last part under her breath, but I can hear it anyways.

I raise an eyebrow in a teasing manner. "Are you saying that you, Johanna Mason, are afraid of my brother, Jason Skylar, and Finnick Odair?"

"Of course not," Johanna immediately defends, perhaps a bit too defensively. "Afraid, no. Cautious for my own self-preservation, yes."

I smirk at her, unable to stop the next teasing words from escaping my lips, "One might argue that those feelings go hand in hand. So which is it: are you afraid or are you not?"

Backed into a corner, Johanna plays it off with a smirk of her own. "I just don't particularly fancy dying even before I got a chance to enter the arena, that's all."

"You seem pretty convinced that telling me will have worse consequences than not telling me," I muse, then turn to her with a devilish grin. "Shall I enlighten you?"

Johanna casts me a dubious look but indulges me.

"What will you give me if I tell you then?"

"Anything you want," I reply, then immediately regrets it.

"Anything?" Johanna drawls.

"Anything within reason," I correct, putting emphasis on the last word.

Even though I'm the one trying to control this conversation, why do I feel like the tables have turned?

Johanna takes one step forward, and the distance between us grows ever closer. I have to fight against my own instincts to remain in place and not move back a step, especially with Johanna holding her axe in her hand, even if I know she has no intention to use it.

She leans closer, and my breath catches even though it has no reason to.

"A tempting offer," Johanna speaks in a whispery voice into my ear, her body pressing against mine as her breath tickles my skin. "But I think I'll pass. What I want from you, I'll get myself."

With those words, Johanna turns on her heel and walks away from me, heading for the simulation area with her axe in tow, but not before glancing back one last time for a smirk at the dazed expression still on my face.

She knows the effect she has just had on me. She's well aware of it.

Hell, even I didn't know the effect she could have on me until this conversation.

It feels scary, knowing this, and I can't help the shiver that snakes down my spine as I turn back to the weapons rack, determined to continue my own training as if nothing has just happened.

It takes me several deep breaths before my heartbeat slows back down to its normal pace after my encounter with Johanna. If I didn't know better, I'd say that conversation resembled something almost like... flirting??


The days pass by without much more incident, and the private sessions with the gamemakers to determine our scores are upon us.

Since my conversation with Johanna, I've cornered her a few times to see if I'm able to squeeze any information out of her, but my efforts are futile. Every time, she would smirk, flirt, and deflect my questions. And I leave feeling more frustrated and annoyed than when I began.

I've been tempted several times to confront my brother on the subject, but remembering how much he seemed against the idea of involving me, I quickly convince myself that nothing good will come out of it.

I've tried to talk to Finnick, but it almost seems as if he's avoiding me. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and overly observant?

As for the other tributes who were also on the rooftop, I don't know them well enough to risk asking them. Which leaves Haymitch, who was also no help when I approached him. He replied almost dejectedly saying that he doesn't want to go against Jason's wishes.

This little "investigation" of mine has already taken up way too much of my time, just like I fear it would. And before I know it, I'm already standing in front of the gamemakers performing my skills for them to give me my training score.

A few hours later, I watch the broadcast with Jason, Brutus, and the other district 2 victors as they announce the scores.

This year, they're being generous.

District 1 got 11s. The lower districts averaged 9s and 10s. And Jason and I got 12s.

I don't know how to feel about that. Pleased, obviously. But why though? Did our performance really warrant full scores? It must've done, if they're giving one to us.

I glance at Jason, who dons a smile on his face, hiding his worried expression that seeps through the cracks. Brutus claps his hands with glee, as does Enobaria and Nero as they congratulate us. Lyme only smiles and speaks her congratulations quietly.

We're the first to gain 12s, but we're not the last.

Finnick also gets a score of 12. Which is unsurprising, if Jason and I got one.

Then, right towards the end, the faces of Peeta and Katniss flash across the screen, with number of 12 next to each. District 12 also got full scores? Now this, I am definitely at least a little surprised by.

I sigh internally with a heavy heart as the broadcast wraps up. Somehow after getting our training scores, the upcoming games suddenly feels so much more real and way too soon. The start of the Quarter Quell is growing ever closer, and with it, the ache in my heart which I attempt to ignore.

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now