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A/N: Happy Pride Month!! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 Sorry I'm late, but enjoy!

"Please welcome to the stage the Angel of the Capitol, Harmony Skylar from district 2!"

Caesar announces on live television just as I straighten my posture and glides onto the stage set for the interview like I'm born for the spotlight.

Dressed in my signature "angelic" look, I act the part well, the performance almost second nature to me.

"Once again, you blow us all away with your beauty and ethereal grace, much like the first time you set foot on this stage and captured the hearts of the Capitol," Caesar begins after the long round of applause fades and I take my seat opposite him.

"You flatter me, Caesar," I reply with a flirty giggle. "I pale in comparison to everyone in the audience."

Applause ensues. Caesar laughs to fuel it even more.

"Beautiful, lethal, and modest," Caesar says to the audience. "What better tribute can we ask for?

"What can I say? I live to please," I drawl to draw in another round of cheers and applause, even if my words hit a little too close to home for me.

"Now, Harmony," Caesar leans in when the applause dies down again, and I know he means business by the change of the usual playful good-natured look in his eyes, "I realise that this Quarter Quell must be difficult for you, just like it is for the sibling duo in district 1. With your own family, your brother, being one of the tributes alongside you."

My smile slips from my face to turn into a melancholy look, one that I do not need to fake.

"It is," I reply in a quiet voice, then remember I'm on live television and increases my volume as I elaborate, "It is immensely difficult, but as much as we mourn our situation, there is nothing we can do to change it. All we can do now is to enjoy the time we have left together and do our best in the games."

"Well said, Harmony," Caesar responses, nodding in sympathy then turns to the audience, "don't those touching words just bring tears to your eyes?"

The audience apparently agrees as another round of applause rings out.

I fight to not let my grimace show, uncomfortable with the fact that they're cheering for my unhappiness. I know it's in my best interests to garner as much sympathy as possible, but it just feels so wrong to make a spectacle out of this.

Thankfully, Caesar moves on and my interview concludes fairly soon after that without much incident. Overall, I think it went rather well, having made a good impression as well as gaining some sympathy from potential sponsors.

However, it quickly becomes clear that mine was by no means the most memorable. It seems that this year all the tributes are going all out.

Finnick's unexpected love confession has most likely stunned the whole Capitol — and most of Panem — and gotten women and men alike to swoon and obsess over it, being the infamous heartthrob that he is. In fact, his exact words are: "The only regret I have going into the games, is that I've yet to confess my feelings to the one I love. But no matter what happens," — at this, he turns straight to the camera with an intense but loving gaze that the audience must have been fawning over, "my love, you have my heart. For all eternity. Even if you don't know it. And if I die in that arena, my last thought will be of your lips."

A litany of screams ensue as some in the audience fantasise how they themselves are the one that Finnick loves. Even I can't help but be curious about the person that Finnick is talking about. Is he just saying that for the cameras and sponsors, or is there actually someone he loves?

I feel a slight pang in my heart at the thought — perhaps something resembling jea—

Nope, shutting that thought out. I'm probably just being wistful at the idea of loving someone like that and being loved the same way in return. And to think, I won't ever get that chance now — not that I ever did from the moment I won the 70th games.

Moving on, the we have Johanna, who has literally just swore and cursed and flung countless insults on live television. Some of her words will probably be beeped out, but it's still improper, or rather impressive. I applaud her audacity and boldness, even if I'd never do the same in her shoes and I'd never tell her that myself.

However, I must say that the star-crossed lovers from district 12 have been the most surprising of all. Considering Katniss' dazzling wardrobe change from a pristine white wedding dress into her brilliant mockingjay outfit. Followed by Peeta's surprise declaration that they have in fact already been married in secret at district 12 and that Katniss is expecting. So surprising that even the bride and future mother in question seemed surprised.

However, regardless of whether Peeta was telling the truth, his words have served their purpose, exciting the whole audience into an uproar and asking for them to call off the games.

Unfortunately — though not unsurprisingly — the games are still on.

Therefore the next day, after heart-wrenching and tear-inducing farewells to my friends and my brother, I am led to the platform, where I will be elevated up to the arena.

Even now, with the reality firmly in front of me, this situation still seems a little surreal.

My eyes stray to the gold ring on my finger — the token that I'm taking into the arena with me, the very same one that Jason gave me right before the 70th games. My heart stings and my eyes threaten to prick with tears as I reminisce, but there's no place for weakness now. Steeling my expression and taking a deep calming breath, I step onto the pedestal.

The countdown begins.

The first thing I see in the arena is the Cornucopia on an island some distance in front of me. As I spread my gaze to survey the terrain, my heartbeat quickens in anticipation. The Cornucopia is in the centre surrounded by a round salt lake, with the 24 tributes distributed in a ring around it.

My mind spins, the gears whirring nonstop as I prepare for when the countdown ends. My brother and I have already discussed beforehand that we'd be allies, of course, and we've also made an alliance with Finnick and Mags from district 4 as well.

"10... 9... 8..."

The final ten seconds begin. I take another deep breath, my whole body tense and ready to spring into action.

"3... 2... 1... let the 75th Hunger Games begin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now