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A/N: Hi, everyone!  I am sooo sorry I haven't updated in a month.  I've been very busy and cannot focus on writing as much, so thank you for your patience!

Also, thank you so much for 11K reads!!

Unfortunately, I'm still really busy, so I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll try my best.  Until then, enjoy!

Once we've arrived, I along with the other tributes of the Quarter Quell are ushered into dressing rooms in order to prepare for the parade.

This time, my outfit is rather similar to the one I wore at the 70th games. The same golden colour. The same trademark angel wings. The same sparkle and glamour.

Only difference is that it's a dress instead of actual armour. With an added hint of seductiveness and overall a more mature look. It's more revealing than last time, but that's to be expected.

Leaving my dressing room, I make my way down to the waiting area with the chariots. Halfway there, I hear my brother calling my name as he rushes to catch up.

"Harmony!" Jason calls, and I, immediately upon hearing him, stops in my tracks to wait for my brother so that we can walk down together.

He's dressed in similar attire to me, but his wings seem more masculine and the wingspan is slightly shorter than mine. Instead, his outfit gives the impression of a graceful warrior, while mine borders on the lines of celestial but seductive. Seems to me that Jason got the better end of the deal.

"Nice outfit," I comment just as we reach the double doors leading to the waiting area.

"Likewise," he says but eyes my uncovered skin with disapproval, in the way that older siblings are so protective of younger ones. I roll my eyes playfully at him but refrain from replying as we walk in.

Some of the tributes have already arrived, even though we still have a while before the parade begins.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Katniss near her chariot, with Finnick making his way over to her. As I make eye contact with Finnick, I raise my eyebrows in a silent question, but he only answers with a mischievous smile just as he reaches Katniss.

Jason and I slowly stroll through the countless chariots to reach ours, the gold and war-like glamour clearly marking it as district 2's. As we saunter over, I carefully keep an eye on Finnick and Katniss to see what kind of mischief and tricks Finnick is up to.

With a teasing grin on his face, he seems to be offering the poor unsuspecting girl a sugar cube as they converse. By the looks of her face, she seems confused and uncomfortable. If I were her, I'd learn to conceal my emotions better. She's like an open book.

When they finish their conversation, I bounce up to Finnick who's now alone to ask, "What did you two talk about?"

"Curious?" Finnick asks in return, smiling mysteriously.

"Fine, don't tell me," I flick my hair against his face as I turn around abruptly, feeling a flush of satisfaction when I hear his grunt of surprise.

"Hey, Johanna," I greet the girl from district 7 when I pass her while heading back to my chariot. Things are still a tiny bit distant between us, since we had a shaky start to our acquaintance, but we're friendly-ish now.

"Hey, Harmony," Johanna replies, eyeing my outfit. "Nice costume."

I bristle slightly at her compliment and raises my eyebrows.

"I wish I could say the same for you," I tease, knowing how frustrated she gets with her tree costume.

"Tell me about it. Why is my stylist always dressing district 7 as a tree?!" she complains disdainfully. "They honestly can't come up with anything else?"

I laugh and shrug, amused by her outburst, before slowly returning to my chariot.

The parade happens as expected, with deafening cheers filling the halls for every chariot that passes, although some noticeably incite a louder cheer than others. I raise my head high with Jason beside me as I put on a brave smirk and wink occasionally at the audience, the image of what these people expect from "the Angel".


The next morning, I woke up early for breakfast in the dining area. The earlier it is, the more time for training later. A few victors are dotted around the room, but no one I'm particular friendly with, so I find an empty table to sit at.

Around the time when I'm nearly done with my simple meal of oatmeal and fruit, I hear Jason's voice gradually growing closer, and Finnick's comes into the mix as well.

"Harmony, you're already up," my brother remarks when he sees me. They both then make their way over to me, setting down their breakfast trays and taking a seat. "Did you hear what Johanna did yesterday?"

"No," I answer, my brow furrowing as curiosity gets the better of me. "What did she do?"

"Finnick was just telling me about it," Jason continues, gesturing to his friend, who's holding back his laughter. My brother then hesitates. "You'll either find it ridiculous and laugh, or you'll be outraged. Or maybe just annoyed."

"Okay," I drag out, impatient for Jason to tell me, especially since even Finnick's so amused by this.

"Johanna went into the elevator with Katniss and Peeta and stripped in front of them," Jason explains in a matter-of-fact tone.

A beat passes where I'm shocked with my mouth hanging open. Then I burst out laughing.

"I knew you'd find it just as funny and ridiculous," Finnick says.

"But why?" I ask as I attempt to reel in my amusement.

Finnick shrugs. "Who knows? Why does anyone do anything?"

"Cause of Katniss, probably," Jason replies. "Haven't you noticed all the victors bothering them more than the others?"

At that moment, Johanna arrives with her district partner Blight.

"Gossiping about me, are you?" Johanna stops in front of our table and asks with a knowing smirk. "Glad that I'm able to provide you with some entertainment before we plunge into our deaths."

I purposefully ignored the latter part of her statement and tease, "Someone's got a high opinion of herself."

Unfazed, Johanna turns on her heel to head over to the table where Blight's seated himself. But not before throwing me another smirk over her shoulder and saying, "or is someone just jealous that Katniss got to see me naked and they didn't?"

My cheeks colour as Jason and Finnick chortles and laughs at my expense.

As if. There's no way. Johanna's just being Johanna as usual.  

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now