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A/N: Hi, everyone!  Once again, sorry to those patiently waiting for next update for over a month due to how busy I am.  And thank you for 15K reads!  

The training area is exactly as it had looked like when I'd last been here.

All the stations are in the same places. Same weapons, same tools, same everything.

It's just the people who are different. Including me.

Immediately making a beeline for the simulation section, I acquaint myself with several weapons before beginning the hardest level. It's over as quickly as it began, and I allow myself a small smile, glad that my skills haven't become rusty.

Makes me relieved that I haven't stopped working on myself and my skills even after I won my games.

I finish up at the simulation station before the majority of the tributes begin arriving.

It doesn't come as a surprise that when Katniss comes and tries the simulation using bows and arrows — her signature weapon — every other tribute drops whatever they're doing and go to watch. I reign in a scoff at their undivided attention on this 16-year-old girl, but can't help my curiosity as well.

Katniss' skill with a bow is undeniable, and when the level finishes, a short silence fills the air, after which applause ensues as admiration sinks in.

The response of her audience seems divided: some eye her as a threat, while others seem like they're about to ask for an alliance. And then there are also some who don't much care either way. Like me.

I mean, sure, she's talented with her bow. But she is only just 16 or 17 years old. And I definitely don't know Katniss well enough to trust her in an alliance. How can I be sure she won't double-cross her allies?

After all, it's clear that her allegiance lies only to her district partner Peter, and his to her. They're star-crossed lovers for a reason.

Besides, there are definitely people I'd much rather be in an alliance with.


The next morning, another day of training awaits. I awake too early, before it's even breakfast time, but am unable to return to sleep again. There's too much on my mind and not enough time to sort through all my thoughts.

After pacing around my room for a while, I decide to go up to the rooftop, just to breathe a bit, with how stuffy and trapped I suddenly feel.

However, when I reach the top of the stairs, I hear voices speaking in hushed tones that are getting increasingly louder and angrier.

I don't mean to eavesdrop. Really, I didn't. But when I catch a glimpse of who it is, my curiosity gets the better of me.

"No," Jason's voice cuts through the protests, more forceful than I've heard him speak to others before. "My answer is no, and that's final."

"It's not your choice to make, Jason," another voice argues — one that I don't recognise. It's definitely not anyone else from district 2, that's for sure. I would've known the voice.

I shift slightly to the right so that I can see the owner of the voice while still remaining hidden. Next to my brother, I can see Haymitch, the mentor from district 12, as well as some other tributes from the lower districts.

What are they arguing about? Why are they meeting here? So early in the morning as well?

Something suspicious is definitely going on.

Just what kind of things is my brother up to now? And why is he keeping this from me?

The next voice that joins the fray surprises me almost as much as my brother's involvement in whatever this is.

"Haymitch, I understand where you're coming from, but I agree with Jason on this."

Finnick? How come he's here too? Just what is this meeting? Some sort of cult? Nah, doesn't seem like their style. I return my utmost attention to their conversation.

"Really? You do?" Jason's surprise is evident in his voice.

"That's bullshit. Let her decide for herself," Johanna interjects. I know it's her voice, despite not being able to see her from where I'm hiding.

Johanna too? Now this is really suspicious. How come I'm left out?

"Johanna," Jason all but grumbles, his voice low and bordering threatening. "You can't make the decision to tell Harmony about this."

What? So I'm the one they're talking about?

"That's also not your decision to make," Haymitch counters, but only meets with a glare from Jason.

"She's my sister," Jason retorts, enunciating the words to get his point across. "Promise me you won't tell her anything. I just... don't want her to get involved just yet, that's all." The last part is said almost dejectedly, like he just wants to protect me as a big brother. And what does he mean by "just yet"? Aren't we all literally just about to enter the arena in under a week to fight to the death?

Immersed my pondering, I wander closer to where they're discussing to have a better viewpoint but almost trip over myself accidentally instead. Luckily, I catch myself just in time and manage not to make any noise or draw attention to my figure.

"Wait, what was that noise?" Finnick suddenly asks as he interrupts Jason and Johanna's continued argument, surveying the area on the rooftop.

Oops, I spoke too soon.

"What noise?" Jason asks, obviously too immersed in conversation with Johanna to have heard my quiet stumbling.

Haymitch shrugs, as do the other tributes, and Finnick turns to Johanna.

"Probably just you being paranoid," Johanna snarls, most likely still upset with Finnick for his agreeing with Jason and turning back to my brother.

"Fine, I promise, happy?" Johanna bites out.

"Very," Jason replies sarcastically with venom in his tone, but reverts back to his normal self that's way less intense after securing Johanna's word.

"Now, can we go to breakfast?" Johanna continues. "We've been up here long enough."

Immediately upon hearing that, I scramble away from my hiding place in alarm and discreetly exit the rooftop before making my way down to the dining hall, keeping the new information I've gathered from the conversation I've overheard in the back of my mind as I grab my breakfast.


It's well into the afternoon when Johanna comes up to me in the weapons section during our time in the training area. I glance at her, nodding my head in acknowledge but saying nothing.

My mind immediately goes to the conversation this morning and I'm itching to ask her about it, but I've decided not to say anything unless anyone tells me. Jason did seem very adamant in keeping me in the dark, and it would just be another matter that could distract me from the games if I'm determined to discover what it is.

Precisely why I've mostly avoided my brother, Finnick, Johanna, and the others on that rooftop today up until now.

Johanna gently lifts an axe — her preferred weapon — from the rack, but instead of heading for the simulation area, she turn to me instead.

"So," Johanna begins, "how much of that conversation on the rooftop did you overhear?"

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now