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"Harmony Skylar, with a score of 11!"

On the screen, the number 11 along with a picture of me from the parade appears, my golden armour and dress paired with the wings granting me a regal and ethereal look.

I smirk victoriously, though inside I'm sighing with relief.  I knew that my performance earned me at least a 10, but having an 11 would give me a better edge.

"Well done, little sis," Jason says as he ruffles my hair affectionately.  "Knew you had it in you.  Beat my score as well." 

Brutus and Enobaria also praise me, while Romulus looks on with a jealous expression, though he hides it when I glance at him.

Now, the final cherry on top to ensure my victory is to gain sponsors.  Time to prepare for the most deciding factor: the interviews.


Taking a deep breath, I try my best to calm my nerves while waiting for my turn backstage.  Blaze from district 1 has just gone onstage a few seconds ago, so I'll be next.

"Next up, onto the next district," Caesar starts to announce, "already a crowd darling and a Capitol favourite, district 2's very own angel, Harmony Skylar!" 

Smoothing my dress one last time, I put on a mask of confidence and strut out onto the stage to the deafening cheers and applause of the audience.  The stage lights are blinding, but I don't pay it any notice, with my only thought to nail this interview.

"Doesn't she just look angelic?" Caesar says to the audience when I step into view, and they cheer again.

My outfit, similar to the design for the parade, is created to showcase an ethereal look.  However, while the other outfit is half composed of armour and shows my fierce and fighting side, the white feathery angel wings laced with silver and the golden sparkling halter dress make me seem more celestial. 

As Caesar put it, more angelic.

"So, Harmony," Caesar begins once the applause dies down.  "How are you feeling today?"

"Just splendid, Caesar, I'm doing great ," I reply.  "With all of these lovely faces in the audience, how could I not?"

The audience cheers.  Again.  Really, they'll cheer for anything.

"I'm glad to hear it," Caesar says, then leans forward as he asks his next question.  "Now, Harmony, you're from district 2.  Am I correct in saying that your brother is a victor of the Hunger Games?"

"That is correct," I begin.  This is an easy one.  "My brother, Jason, won the 61st Hunger Games, and I intend to follow in his footsteps."

"My, we have a confident one, don't we?"  He turns to the audience, who applauds and cheers.

"Hardly, Caesar," I lean forward too, becoming more engaged with the audience.  "I merely meant that I will be trying my best to win the Hunger Games, for myself and for my family."

The audience "Awww"s and Caesar says, "To win for your family, how noble.  Dare I ask, is there a special someone back at home waiting for you?"

I've planned this question and rehearsed it, so even though I do not, I know just what to make the audience even more in my favour.

"Maybe," I say slowly, looking down, acting like I'm embarrassed.

The audience gasps and cheers while some gossip starts up.  Caesar, doing his best to encourage them, asks, "And who might this special someone be?  Do they know?"

"A lady never tells," I answer, still acting a bit childish to really sell it.  "Maybe, when I win the games, I'll finally have the courage to tell them myself."

"I wish you the best of luck then," Caesar says amid the cheers and encouragement.  "Now, since our time today is limited, onto the next point to address."  I straighten up in my seat.  "You scored a spectacular 11 in your private sessions, the highest so far.  Mind giving the rest of us some tips?"

I laugh and say, "I doubt you need any tips, Caesar, but I would say, it helps that I've been training ever since I was young, and I always trained harder than anyone my age, knowing that it would be an honour to participate in the games."

"What a lovely sentiment," Caesar replies.  "I'm afraid that's all we have time for.  Once again, I wish you the best of luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour."  We rise, and the audience cheers one last time before my interview is over.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, Harmony Skylar from district 2!"


Today is the day.  Today is when I truly put all my skills to the test.  Today is when I finally see the results of all my hard work.

Despite my best efforts, I am a nervous wreck inside.  What if I fail?  What if I don't win?

"You got this, Harmony," my brother, Jason, assures me before I leave.  "I know you can win this.  I believe in you."

"But what if I can't?" I whisper, almost afraid to voice my thoughts.

Jason embraces me in a bear-hug.  "Just promise me you will try your best.  I know Mother and Father are rooting for you back home, and I'll be trying to get you as many sponsors as I can on my end.  Take out as many as you can during the bloodbath, and try to hunt down the others as quickly as possible.  If the games drag on too long, the gamemakers might get ideas.  Work with your allies, but don't trust them.  The only person you can trust in that arena is yourself."

After noting down all the tips in my head, I nod and step back, readying myself.

"Remember, this isn't farewell.  It's just goodbye.  I'll see you on the other side, little sis."  He gives me his gold ring, a family heirloom.  It was his token during the 61st games, and now he's giving it to me.

"Goodbye, Jason," I say, taking the ring while trying not to cry.  Because careers don't cry.  I cannot afford to be seen as weak.  "I'll see you soon."

Once he leaves, my stylist, Leto, dresses me in normal fighting clothes, which doesn't give away much about the arena. 

"You look gorgeous, my dear," she says.

I step onto the platform, and I feel it start to lift.  I calm my nerves and look down one last time.  "Thank you for everything, Leto."

"Promise me you'll win," she says through her tears.

"I promise I'll try," I reply and she nods. 

I face forward again and take a deep breath, the arena slowly coming into view.  I'm in a valley, with all of the tributes in a circle facing the Cornucopia, where there's all kinds of weapons and backpacks up for grabs.

The countdown begins, and I try to keep my cool while taking in everything with my sharp eyes.  My allies are scattered all the way on the other side of the circle.  Hazel from district 7 is on my right, and Ripley from district 4 is on my left.  I return my gaze to the Cornucopia, my eyes landing on a pair of beautiful but deadly twin knifes and a spear.

"10... 9... 8..."

The final ten seconds before the bloodbath starts to tick.  I steel my nerves one last time and ready myself to run.

"3... 2... 1... let the 70th Hunger Games begin!"

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now