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The week passes quickly, and before I know it, it's the day for the tributes' interviews. Then tomorrow, the Hunger Games will begin.

Beatrix and Ajax have been training rather diligently, and it helps that they are both proficient in a range of weapons already. The only thing they might lack in the arena are survival skills, and I told them as much when I encourage them to try out some of the other stations as well. Ajax scoffed while Beatrix just shrugged and said she might.

The two of them will be allied with district 1 as usual, and together with the male tribute from district 4, they will form this year's career pack. Diamond and Luster from 1 are both 18, while Kai from 4 is only 16 but good with a trident. The girl from district 4, Siren, chooses not to ally with the careers because she doesn't agree with their methods nor wish to kill.

In any other circumstance, I would applaud her sense and thinking, but as it is, this is the Hunger Games and there's no room for hesitation.

As the interviews begin, I observe each one carefully.

Diamond and Luster from district 1 are both going for the angle of confidence and ruthlessness, which isn't unique but will definitely gain some sponsors. Their angles are further assisted by their high training scores, which proves their skills.

Beatrix, being the youngest of the careers, plays it safe with acting prepared and ready for the games, but not overly confident. She even adds in a touching story about wanting to win for her younger brothers, which makes the audience tear up slightly. On the other hand, Ajax's angle in similar to district 1's, but since he scored a high 10 in his training scores and has a strong athletic build, sponsors will probably also keep him in mind.

The rest of the interviews are fairly average and none of them really caught my eye or my interest, until I recognise the girl from district 7 step onto the stage.

Her shoulders are hunched as she almost curls into herself, the impression of a meek and scared girl being forced into the arena.

Her training score is only a 4, the lowest out of all the tributes this year, but I have a faint suspicion that she's merely putting on an act. Call it instinct or whatever, but I don't for one second believe that she's already accepted her death, not with that determined fire in her eyes that I saw before the parade.

I find out from the interview that her name is Johanna Mason.


The next day, I wake up early in the morning, same as the other district 2 victors, in order to go through the final preparations and advice before sending Beatrix and Ajax into the arena.

It's surreal to think that one of them, or even both of them, might not ever come back out alive.

Even though I've only known them for the short course of a single week, I've grown a bit too attached, especially to Beatrix. She seems smart and level-headed, but most importantly, she's a tad different from the other careers. Perhaps I see myself in her, when I first went into the games, more ignorant than I am now.

I'm bound to feel just a bit emotional. After all, this is my first year being a mentor, and people always say that you never forget your first. Granted, that saying does not apply to tributes and mentors, but the meaning is the same. It's hard to send children my own age into the games, knowing fully what they will have to endure and the impending threat of death that will be hanging over them constantly.

When it's finally time for the games to start, the other victors form my district let me be the one to send Beatrix off, since they know that I'm probably the closest to her, and we're also the most similar in age, with me being only 2 years her senior.

"Remember what we've told you?" I ask Beatrix one last time as she mentally prepares herself.

Beatrix nods, replying as she recounts it in her mind, "Pick out as many as we can in the bloodbath. Find water and food. Stick to my allies, but don't trust anyone."

"Good, you can do this, Beatrix," I reassure her, the only encouragement I have left to give. "Got your token?"

Her fingers close around the silver locket hanging around her neck, tugged deep into her outfit. From what she's told me, it appears to be a gift from her parents for her 12th birthday when she became eligible to volunteer, and it contains pictures of her whole family.

"Okay, now go kick some ass," I say, eliciting a bittersweet laugh from Beatrix. "Your parents and brothers will be watching."

"Thank you, Harmony," Beatrix says before climbing onto the platform, which will rise up to the arena any second now. "Truly, thank you for everything."

Giving her one last smile of encouragement, my voice chokes up slightly as I whisper, "Don't mention it. Do your best in there. Don't tell the others, but I'm rooting for you."

Time is up. Tears threaten to prick my eyes as Beatrix rises out of my sight on the platform, but I hold them in. I'm a victor now; I can't show weakness.

Returning to Jason and the others, I watch on the big screen the scene of the arena in real time. The arena this year appears to be some sort of urban ruins in an old city, and the Cornucopia stands in the centre at an abandoned market square.

The seconds start to tick once all the tributes have appeared. The atmosphere is tense; all the victors present are quiet as we observe on the screen. I don't even realise I've been holding in a breath until I run out of oxygen and let it out.

When the countdown gets to 1, the inevitable announcement sounds.

"Let the 71st Hunger Games begin!"

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now