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A/N: Hi, everyone!  So sorry this update is late, please read the A/N at the end for more info!

Several days after my conversation with Johanna, a rumour is circulating within the victors in the Capitol.

Johanna's only remaining family members have passed away back in district 7.

And some are speculating that it's the work of President Snow.

When I heard this news, my face pales, as white as the snow that lands on top. I should've known something like this would've happened. I should've warned Johanna more and made her see sense. I should've... I should've done more.

"It's not your fault," Jason consoles me when I confide in him as I'm near tears. "You tried to tell her. There's nothing more you could've done."

"I know that, but I just... feel somewhat responsible," I whisper and he pulls me into an embrace, comforting me with actions instead of words.

I haven't seen Johanna since, but Finnick tells us that she's returned to district 7 to attend her family's funeral, forgoing the interviews and festivities at the Capitol, which will be rescheduled to a date six months later after the victory tour.

It seems to sting slightly when I hear how close Finnick and Johanna have become in such a short amount of time, but I'm at least glad that she's not feeling alone, even if it's not me who's by her side. Even if it's Finnick who is.


The months come and go, and before long, six months have passed, marking the beginning of Johanna's victory tour.

I haven't corresponded with her since we were in the Capitol, but I've heard from my regular letters and calls with Finnick and some other victors that she's doing well. Or at least as well as can be expected.

On the day of Johanna's visit at my district, her speech is definitely memorable, especially with all of her profanities and insults towards the Capitol. I suspect that every speech of hers follows the same manner, if the sighs and reactions of her fellow victors and escorts give any indication.

She is respectful enough when honouring the fallen tributes, Beatrix and Ajax. She was the one who killed them after all. But afterwards, her words soon turn accusatory towards Snow and the Capitol, and even the Peacekepers and escorts aren't able to silence her.

"What else are you going to do to me?" Johanna yells in anger in front of the whole of the district 2 audience. "You've done enough. There's no one left that I love now. You can't hurt me anymore."

Her confession sends a sharp sting into my heart as guilt consumes me against my will. Despite my brother and the other victors' comfort, I still feel at least a tiny bit responsible for being too reckless when warning her. I was too impulsive, too soon to give up; I should've known that it will have consequences.


That evening, the mayor hosts a kind of dinner party with the victors, most likely to smooth over the commotion that Johanna created at her speech.

Some victors from other districts are invited as well, and they don't hesitate to join in, probably glad to not be cooped up in the train for so long with nothing to do.

"Harmony!" Finnick's voice rings as he calls my name amidst the noise and chaos.

A radiant smile immediately spreads over my face as I wave him over to where I'm perched at the bar with a drink in hand.

"Finnick, it's been so long since I've seen you."

He gives me a teasing smile as he seats himself next to me and replies, "Miss me already? It's only been half a year."

I roll my eyes, ignoring his teasing remark and asking instead, "How are things at district 4? Is Mags and everyone else doing alright?"

"Yeah, everyone's doing alright."

Before he can elaborate, however, several other voices have joined the fray.

"Finnick!" My brother calls as he and the district 2 victors make their way over to us.

"When did you arrive? Why didn't you tell us?" Nero asks, with the others murmuring their agreements and greetings as well.

"Just now," Finnick replies. "I was about to find you guys, but what can I say? My attention was immediately captured by Harmony."

Even though I know about Finnick's reputation and his sharp silver tongue, I can't help but blush, rolling my eyes as I duck my head slightly to hide it.

"Stop flirting with my sister, Finnick," Jason chastises as he punches his arm playfully.

"Okay, okay," Finnick says, holding his hands up in surrender. "It's not my fault I can't help it."

Enobaria laughs out loud. "At this point, you're just asking to be slapped in the face."

"Would you really throw away our many years of friendship over one small thing?" Finnick grins as he teases Jason.

"You wanna try me?" Jason cocks an eyebrow as he replies in the same manner. Both their tones are still on the borderline of playful, but my brother's clenched jaw tells another story.

Not wanting things to escalate, I suddenly interrupt, "Seriously, guys, it's nothing. Don't make such a big deal out of this. I'm gonna head off to the washroom, and when I return, things better quiet down again. Okay?"

With that declaration, I turn on my heel to leave, shaking my head at their nonsense.

However, once I've travelled a good distance away, I hear my name being called again, but I pause at the unfamiliar feminine voice.

I turn and come face to face with none other than Johanna Mason.

"Johanna," I greet in response politely albeit a bit confused.

Johanna seems a bit nervous as well, unlike her usual self that she presents, as if she isn't quite sure she made the right decision in calling me to a halt.

"I just wanted to apologise," she quickly spits out in a chain.

"For what?"

She clenches her fist, but still replies, "For our last conversation."

I don't respond, unsure how to.

Seeing that I have no response to give, Johanna unclenches her fist and turns back the way she came. But just before she disappears from views, she looks over her shoulder at me and bites out, even if a little unwillingly, "And... thanks, I guess."

I stand there, dumbfounded, for another few moments after she leaves before shaking myself out of this stupor. Johanna just apologised and thanked me. Just basic human decency. So why am I so shaken and shocked?

Taking a deep breath, I return to the others, glad to see the previous commotion has died down and resolved itself in my absence.


The seasons pass, from spring to summer, from autumn to winter.

The 72nd Hunger Games comes and goes, and so does the 73rd without incident.

Life has become a routine or a cycle that simply repeats over and over again.

There's a lot in life that I don't much care about. There's a lot that I can simply brush off my shoulders. There's a lot that I'm satisfied with — perhaps not happy, but satisfied at least.

But sometimes, you don't know what you're missing until one day you gain it. 

A/N: Once again, sorry for the late update.  I've been sick for the past few days and don't really feel well enough to write.

On another note, this chapter marks the end of this part — The Life of A Victor, meaning that next time I update, we'll be onto Catching Fire!!  I'm currently unsure when the next update will be, since I'm still not feeling my best and I also need to finalise the plot and everything.  But rest assured, it's definitely coming, so stay tuned!

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now