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The 71st Hunger Games have begun.

And with it, the grim inexorable bloodbath.

My whole body feels tense as I observe the start of the games. The tributes running towards the Cornucopia. As I hear the first cannon marking the first kill and first death. The metallic clang of blades clashing and the sound of it tearing through skin into flesh.

In some ways, this is worse than my own games that took place a whole year ago. Since I'm merely here as an observer, forced to watch yet powerless to do anything.

In another few minutes, the bloodshed subsides and I finally relax. I unclench my fists that have been held so tight that my nails almost cut into my palms.

"You okay there, Harmony?" Jason asks me from where he's sitting with Brutus and Nero on the couch, probably sensing my worry and unease.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply tersely. "Just nervous, I guess."

"It's your first time mentoring," Nero says. "Being nervous is natural. Just don't let it consume you, alright? It'll all repeat the next year anyways."

I nod, not replying anything.

So far, there have been 11 cannons, meaning there's 13 tributes left. All 5 tributes in the career pack are all alive and strong as they dominate the Cornucopia, so there's only 8 they need to hunt before they split up and let their fighting and skills determine the final victor.

We continue watching for another hour or so, our gazes fixed intently on the screen as tension seeps into our hearts. Me more so than the others; they've probably experienced this for many previous years already.

However, it seems that my limit is reached when it's finally lunchtime, and I can't bear another minute of staring at the still and silent arena on the screen with my eyes close to the point of watering. Jason convinced me to get some lunch with the four of them, and so I follow reluctantly as we make our way to the restaurant within the building.


After our lunch break, we return to watching the games once again, but this time with some of the other victors from districts 1 and 4. Since our tributes are allies and part of the career pack, it would do us good to discuss strategies and sponsors.

However, since the career pack is doing quite well so far, there's no need to send in any parachutes just yet. From what we can see on the screen, they've mostly been hunting for other tributes, sending out a group of 3 and leaving 2 to guard the Cornucopia.

The screen then skips to the tributes of the other districts. Watt from 5 have teamed up with Harvest from 9, and they are currently in a hiding place somewhere in the ruins of the city. However, it seems that they do not have much food or water with only a small backpack of resources between them, so unless they miraculously receive sponsors, it's unlikely they'll stand a chance. Even if they do, it probably won't be long before the career pack manages to hunt them down.

Siren, the female tribute from district 4 who declined to join the careers, appears to be doing quite well on her own. She was one of the first to flee the bloodbath, but managed to snatch up a rather full backpack and a dagger to defend herself.

"Who else do you think stands a chance?" I ask, throwing the question out there to no one in particular. "Apart from the careers?"

Brutus scoffs as he answers arrogantly, "Honestly? No one. Did you see the tributes this year? The rest of the districts all got low to middle training scores. Doesn't look like it'll be much a hunt for the careers."

The sibling duo from district 1, Cashmere and Gloss, both nod and voice their agreements, but Jason on the contrary muses, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"Why? Have you seen someone who has potential?" asks Nero next to him, sounding just as confused.

"Maybe," Jason answers but reveals nothing, choosing to wait to see how things would play out.

When Jason doesn't elaborate his answer, Nero turns to everyone else instead, "What about you guys? Who else do you think have a chance of coming out of the games alive?"

"Siren, perhaps," Enobaria replies after a moment of thought, glancing at Finnick since he has helped mentoring the girl. "She seems smart and resilient, and she's good with a blade."

"Only if she decides to use it," Brutus retorts perhaps a bit too harshly. "Did you forget why she didn't want to join the alliance in the first place? She'll be dead soon enough if she refuses to kill."

Some of the others with more awareness glance at Finnick, knowing that he is her mentor, and so it wouldn't be wise for Brutus to say such things.

However, the golden boy doesn't give a reaction like they expected, his facade still as pristine and confident as ever.

"What about you then, Finnick?" asks Jason, sensing the slight tension in the room. "Who do you think has a chance of winning?"

At that exact moment, the screen switches again. This time, to the 17-year-old girl from district 7. Johanna Mason.

She appears to be travelling alone without any allies, not even her district partner from 7. However, she was smart to escape the bloodbath early, and has even managed to obtain a large backpack full of supplies, as well as having several weapons at her disposal. It appears to me that she is still retaining the pretence of being one of the weaker tributes, which seems to work in her favour, since she won't be high up on the careers' hit list.

Even though her movements are slugged and her appearance is worn down by the exhausting day in the arena, there is just something so mesmerising about Johanna Mason that I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. But when another few seconds pass, I tear my gaze away.

After being momentarily distracted by the captivating girl on the screen, I turn back to Finnick same as the others to hear his answer.

"Her," he says, gesturing to the screen with a look of admiration on his face as his glazed eyes appears mesmerised. "Johanna Mason."

My heart seems to sink and skip a beat at the exact same time.

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now