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Over the course of the rest of our visit at the Capitol, Snow has sent me another 3 more clients, 2 men and 1 woman. All of whom are extremely wealthy and sends me off after using my body with an insurmountable amount of gold and diamonds and the kind.

The jewels I've received really are exquisite, but every time I glance at them, I feel disgust crawling over my skin like slithering snakes. I can't bear to even look at them, lest I'm reminded of the horrible things I've endured to gain them.

When the end of our visit finally rolls around, I'm drenched with relief and more than ready to leave behind the glamour of the Capitol in favour of district 2.

Now that I'm a victor, there aren't many duties for me to do while I'm outside of the Capitol. Therefore, I gradually adapt to a monotonous routine of training daily, for lack of something better to do.

I occasionally leave my mansion to meet up with a few friends who are at least still civil to me, but I don't feel as comfortable with them anymore, now that I've seen firsthand how cruel the world can be, while they're still dreaming about the luxurious Capitol and the glory of wining the games. It's almost as if my experiences in the arena and the Capitol have built a barrier between us, and now I am unable to pass through to the other side of the glass again.

As for the rest of my time, I usually spend hanging out with my brother and the other district 2 victors. After all, who else can understand what we've all been through apart from each other? I suppose that is the one thing we have in common that draws us all together.

We also sometimes call to chat with some victors from the other districts, but that is the only form of contact we are able to maintain, since travel between the districts is forbidden when unauthorised.

Now as the time for the 71st Hunger Games approaches, the dread and worry in my heart also grows day by day.

This year will be my first year mentoring the tributes. Naturally I feel nervous. My only consolation is that the tributes going into the games would have been trained from an early age the same as I was, so they won't be completely clueless like some of the lower districts. That is precisely why the odds are in the favour of the careers.

Still, I don't know how I will able to watch the games this year, knowing well the reality of what happens in the arena and the terror of experiencing it firsthand.

On the day of the reaping, or in our district's case, the announcement of most competent volunteers, I watch the escort, Elsa, reveal the names of the tributes as I stand to the side with the other district 2 victors: a 15-year-old girl named Beatrix and an 18-year old boy named Ajax. They seem strong and the odds are in their favour; I hope they have a chance of winning.

But then again, is winning the games as great as everyone thought? The victors might have escaped death, but I have no doubt that we're all in our own kind of prison and hell.

Speaking of, since it's time for us to visit the Capitol again, it means that it's also time to be Snow's puppet and to entertain clients that he picked out for me.

The epistle to inform me of my first client came just this morning before the tributes are announced. My brother received a similar letter.

A few days later, we board the train to the Capitol. While we wait, the other victors and I watch the reapings of the otehr districts, but I barely paid attention at all, my mind clouded by anxiety.

When we finally arrive at the Capitol after sending ages cooped up in the compartments, Beatrix and Ajax are immediately whisked away to be fitted into their parade outfits while we are free to do what we wish, as long as we're still confined to the assigned area.

Without much to do by myself, I follow everyone else's lead to go up to the bar, where the other districts' victors are lounging and catching up. Brutus and Enobaria greet their district 1 friends while Jason and Nero choose to sit at the bar to order drinks. Naturally, not being one for socialising, I opt to follow my brother and Nero and order a cocktail to sip on.

"Finnick!" my brother suddenly exclaims, making me startle in surprise as a familiar face comes into view.

The district 4 victors have arrived, and the golden boy Finnick Odair is among them.

"Jason, Nero," he grins as he greets them. Then turning to me, he says, "Hey, Harmony, how have you been?"

"Good, thanks," I stutter out as I turn away to hide the tint of red blossoming on my cheeks.

Gosh, six months without seeing each other and I've turned into a blushing mess.

Almost as if Finnick can see what I'm thinking, he laughs and winks at me. Can you believe his nerve??

I huff and look away instead as I slowly sip on my drink, not giving him the satisfaction to see the effect he has on me.

Besides, it's not like it means anything. Finnick is just being his flirty persona that he shows to the rest of the Capitol. The only difference is that I'm not foolish enough to swoon over it and believe it.


When it's nearly time for the parade to begin, most of the victors start to file out of the bar in order to either head to the stands as a spectator or to meet with their district's tributes.

Being part of the latter group, I make my way to the area where the chariots that will be used from the parade are waiting.

Beatrix and Ajax have only just arrived, both looking absolutely breathtaking in their golden armoury outfit for the parade. Of course, nothing can beat Lego's designs in my eyes, but I admit that their stylists have done a good job this year.

An announcement about the parade sounds just after we have briefly talked with our district's tributes this year to give them encouragement and reassurance. Not that they need it since they both seem pretty confident and not too nervous. Then again, they might just be putting on a brave facade like I did last year.

"We should go," Enobaria nods to me when all the tributes starts to climb into their respective chariots for their districts. Brutus and Nero have already disappeared through the double doors at the back along with some of the victors while Jason is gradually making his way there too as he engages in conversation with Finnick, the two of them chatting amiably.

Before I leave the waiting area with Enobaria, I glance back one last time. Unexpectedly, my eyes catch on one tribute in particular. She looks to be about my age and I see her climbing into the chariot for district 7 wearing a tree costume.

I don't know the girl's name or recognise her at all, since I didn't pay attention when watching the reapings. However, when she senses that she's being watched and our gazes lock onto each other's, I glimpse a kind of fire in her eyes, a look that tells me she's determined to survive.

As quickly as it appears, it vanishes and in its place is only the look of a girl who's extremely afraid and close to tears. She looks away, breaking our eye contact, but I'm certain I didn't imagine the determination and resolve I saw in them.

She's dangerous. And interesting. I'll have to keep an eye on her. 

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now