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My vision slowly blurs into focus, and the first thing I see is a white ceiling above me.

I sit up abruptly, making my head swim. I wince in pain and rub my hand against my forehead when I realise that I'm hooked to a monitor.

"Harmony?" my brother's voice calls out and I turn, finding him in the corner of the room, patiently sitting on a couch and waiting for me to wake up.

"Jason!" I cry out in relief as pent-up tears finally begin to spill.

He immediately rushes to my side and embraces me, careful to avoid my bandages and half-healed wounds.

"I'm so glad you're alive," he says. "I was worried there for a second. You put up a good fight."

"I did, didn't I?" I grin to myself, glad to hear my brother's praise. "But what was that wave about? The water and the flood?"

"It was the gamemakers' decision," Jason replies. "They thought the fight was dragging on for too long."

"I have you to thank for not drowning. If you hadn't taught me to swim back in district 2, I probably would've perished in that arena."

"Just thinking ahead," he smiles. "You never know what might come up in the games."

"What—" I pause, wondering if I really want to know. "What happened to the other tributes when the wave came in?"

"Annie Cresta, your ally from 4, was the first to go," he says solemnly, knowing the friendship we shared. "From what I can see, it was quick and painless, due to the fact that she has lost consciousness. Blaze was next; he didn't last more than 5 minutes underwater. Amethyst held on for longer, but eventually she drowned as well. The whole ordeal was no more than 30 minutes."

30 minutes. That's how long it took for the last 4 tributes to be dwindled down to one final victor.

I am about to ask another question when a doctor barges into the room.

"Ms Skylar, you're awake," he declares, like I didn't already know that myself. "Mr Skylar, you should've notified me immediately."

"Sorry, doctor," he apologises briefly.

The doctor turns back to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright, apart from my wounds that haven't healed completely yet. How long have I been here?"

"You've been asleep for just under 10 hours, Ms Skylar."

10 hours? I suppose it could be worse.

After I receive a brief checkup, the other district 2 tributes file into the room to congratulate me. I just nod and smile, not able to do more than that, my head still reeling from the games.

It seems so surreal that it's over and that I'm no longer in the arena. And that there's 23 other children who left in a body bag.

The next day, when my wounds have mostly healed and the doctors have deemed me well enough to be discharged, I receive a letter from the one and only President Snow, asking — more than ordering — for an audience with the recent victor of the games.

When Jason sees the letter being delivered, his face drains and a look of alarm immediately envelopes it like a shadow.

"What is it?" I ask Jason, my fingers hovering over the letter flap. Seeing him afraid makes me wary of what the letter contains.

Jason hesitates, then sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. "There's no good way to say this, Harmony."

"So just tell me," I urge impatiently, fear starting to creep in.

"President Snow has a habit of selling his most desirable victors to citizens of the Capitol who are willing to pay," Jason begins. "I was afraid of this, but I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

"What are you saying, Jason?" I ask, not understanding his words — or rather, not wanting to understand his words.

"It means, that President Snow will most likely ask you to sell your body to the Capitol."

"What?" I exclaim, disgusted by the revelation as understanding dawns over me. "He can't do that!"

"Yes, he can, Harmony," Jason says, sounding defeated. "He's the president."

A thought crosses my mind and I can't help but ask hesitantly, "Did he— did you—"

Jason nods wordlessly, confirming my fears.

"Are you still—?" I ask, not knowing how to phrase my question.

My brother gives me a silent look that speaks volumes, and I quiet down after that. I never knew what he's going through, never asked. I never knew how quickly the taste of being a victor can turn sour.

"Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you refuse?" I ask quietly.

"He threatened to hurt my family," Jason admits. "He does this with every victor, and he's going to threaten you too. There's no way anyone can refuse."

My heart sinks as I realise he's right. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to my family because of me.

Therefore, later when I walk into President Snow's office after being discharged, I listen to his disgusting words and agree when he dangles the lives of my family over me like a bone over a dog.

And ever the obedient victor that I am, I agree to his terms without any argument. 

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now