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A few days after the 71st Hunger Games ended, I finally see Johanna Mason outside of the arena and not through a screen.

From what it looks like, Johanna has just been discharged from the hospital after several days of recovery. Her wounds from the final battle weren't too severe, at least from what I can see as the audience, but I suppose it does take time to heal, especially if one isn't used to it.

Her district 7 mentor, Blight, is with her, going over some final procedures as she's led into the building which is the victors' residence while we're in the Capitol. When he leaves Johanna alone for a moment to liaise and discuss with some Capitol officials, I make the decision to walk over to her and introduce myself, for some reason unknown to me.

Perhaps I'm just bored. Perhaps I'm feeling lonely. Perhaps I simply wanted to meet the victor of the 71st Hunger Games.

Either way, I make my way over to Johanna and pause a respectful distance away.

Hearing my footsteps and sensing my presence, Johanna turns to me from where she's just been staring into space while waiting for Blight's return.

"Hi there," I manage to say as I get tongue-tied for some reason. "I'm Harmony."

The girl in front of me nods once but makes no response, her mind still appearing to be somewhere off in the distance.

"Well, anyways," I continue as I clear my throat after an awkward moment of silence, "I just wanted to come over here to congratulate you. On winning the games."

At this, Johanna casts me a dubious glance. "You wanted to congratulate me on being chosen to be sent into my death but somehow surviving and killing 7 other tributes?"

The coldness of her voice almost shocks me back a step, and I quickly deny, "That's not what I meant."

Johanna laughs, perhaps a bit madly and maniacally. Not that I blame her after the ordeal she's been through. The Hunger Games can change you in more ways than one.

"Relax, I know that's not what you meant. I'm just messing with you."

I breathe out a sigh of relief internally.

"I'm Johanna," she says, "although you probably knew that already."

At that exact moment, a Capitol officiant walks over and comes to a stop in front of us. In front of Johanna. With a white letter bearing the seal of the president.

My face visibly pales, but Johanna doesn't notice, only turning to the smartly dressed man and asking in a not so polite demand, "What's this?"

"A letter from the president," he replies and holds the epistle out for Johanna to take.

However, Johanna merely scoffs and swats the letter away from her. "What, now that I'm a precious victor, he suddenly cares about my life?"

"I'm only following orders, Miss Mason," the man insists and doesn't back away until Johanna reluctantly takes the letter from his hand. After she does so, he bows curtly and leaves the way he came.

"Don't," I interrupt immediately when Johanna looks like she's about to rip the letter up into shreds, my voice strained.

"Why not?" Johanna counters, holding the letter out in front of me tauntingly. "Why should I care what President Snow has to say to me?"

I take a deep breath before replying, not wanting to be the one to break the news, but someone has to warn her, like my brother warned me.

"When... When he asks you, you can't refuse," I finally manage to get out, although my meaning must not have been very clear because she just stares at me like I'm mad. To clarify, I intake another sharp breath and say, "He'll ask for an audience with you, and in the meeting, he's going to ask you to sell your body to the citizens of the Capitol. Wealthy clients who he'll arrange for you."

Johanna scoffs again, clearly having trouble believing my words. "What, really? Are you actually being serious right now?"

When I answer in the affirmative, however much it pains me to do so, she recoils in disgust, which makes me flinch.

"And you and the other victors actually let him?"

"We don't have a choice," I argue, desperate to make her understand and not look at me like she's disgusted by me. "He threatens all our families."

"So?" Johanna retorts sharply. "Let him. He can't do anything to them."

"I think you're severely underestimating President Snow's ruthlessness. There are no lengths he wouldn't go to. No one dares go against his word because we all know what would happen if we did."

"And who's we?" asks Johanna, her voice gradually getting louder and more forceful. "How many victors did he drag into this? How many are stupid enough to agree? How many have lost their pride and dignity?"

Fury clouds my vision when I hear Johanna's accusations.

"You may not understand now, but you'll see for yourself," I fling back with venom. "And when you do, don't come crying to me. Do what you want, but you'll regret it soon enough."

"Then I guess we'll see," Johanna bites back in the same manner, turning away from me purposefully.

With one last sneer of anger, I turn on my heel and stalk back inside the building, not looking back even once. 

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now