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Six months have passed in the blink of an eye, and before I know it, I'm to embark on my victory tour through all 12 districts and to the Capitol.

Things have definitely changed back home in district 2.

For one, I have my own mansion in the Victor's Village, right next to Jason's. Our parents still mostly reside in Jason's home, though they come over regularly, and it doesn't make much difference since we're so close to one another.

My mother and father were proud of me when I won and returned home, but that didn't last too long. Especially since my brother has already done it once before, and at a younger age than me. Jason told me not to let it bother me though. It's enough that he's proud of me.

My friends — or rather, former friends — have barely talked to me at all since I've been back, always making up some excuse and leaving me out purposefully. I suspect they might be jealous because I've accomplished what they all wish for. If they only knew what consequences there are.

"Are you ready for this?" Jason asks me, breaking me out of my depressing thoughts. We're standing outside our mansions in the Victory Village, waiting for the other Victors to gather before we board the train.

"Do you want me to be honest?" I ask in return. Jason sighs and envelopes me in a hug, knowing what I must be feeling right now.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!" Enobaria appears and says in mock enthusiasm, followed by the rest of the victors of district 2.

Once we board the train, the district 2 escort, Elsa, already waiting there, thrusts a stack of cards into my hands.

"What are these?" I ask her.

"Your speech cards, dear," she replies. "For your speeches to the districts."

I nod absentmindedly, glad that at least I won't have to make something up on the spot and embarrass myself.

The Victory tours starts all the way in district 12, and then we'll work our way up through the districts until we reach the Capitol, where they'll be a large fancy party in honour of my victory. Then after that, finally we can return to district 2.

As the tour goes on, my nerves start to dissipate when I step onto the stage and read the lines I've been fed. Having just passed district 5, I can say that I did not enjoy the districts in which I played a part in ending their tributes' lives.

It's hard enough having to stand on the stage as if I'm intentionally bragging about my victory and praising their sacrifices, but it's even more difficult to look in the eyes of their families, knowing that I'm part of the reason for the pain and grief I see in their eyes.

However, as awkward and tense the visit to the other districts were, district 4 is the one that I dread the most, and also the next one in the agenda. Seeing the place where Annie and Ripley grew up and the faces of their families will only make this more painful for me. Although I haven't known them for long, I considered them to be my friends, way more than the fake friends I currently have in district 2.

"Are you okay, little sis?" Jason asks me as our train nears our next stop, knowing how difficult it must be for me. After all, he had some allies in his games that he was rather close with, and he's had to give speeches in their districts too. Furthermore, he knows the bond that I shared with Annie in the arena, however short-lived it was. Not to mention that he is on friendly terms with her mentor, also known as the Capitol's golden boy, Finnick Odair.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell my brother, but he gives me a sympathetic look that indicates he knows I'm lying. "I'll get through it," I insist, trying to convince myself as much as him.

As the train slows to a stop, I take several deep breaths as a calming mechanism and exit the compartment along with my companions, just in time to hear the words:

"Welcome to district 4."

The Angel (Finnick Odair x OC x Johanna Mason)Where stories live. Discover now