01. She's drinking again

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3rd person POV

"Get up! You have school." Marley came in and threw a pillow that belonged to the downstairs couch at Taylor's head.

Marley was Taylor's aunt, and she wasn't the loving type of aunt. She was always super grumpy and rude — only to Taylor, at least.

Taylor never really saw her being rude to her sister Laurie, who was Taylor's mother. And Marley obviously wasn't rude to Taylor's father, Johnny, because he wasn't even in the picture anymore. She was really only rude to him by saying things about him.

"Did you hear me?" Marley asked as she picked the pillow up and threw it at Taylor's face again.

"Yes! Yes, I heard you. Now can you please go away?" Taylor groaned as she sat up and covered her face. Whenever she woke up, she always had crazy hair and a crazy face, so she had to always cover it so her aunt wouldn't call her hideous.

"Quit the attitude. Your mom's making breakfast. Hurry up if you want some," Taylor groaned again as she picked up her phone from her bedside table. Her friend Moon messaged her, telling her that she needed to be dropped off after school. Taylor responded with a, 'Yes, I'll drop you off to wherever you wanna go.'

Laurie was making waffles, Taylor's favourite breakfast meal. Well, it was only her favourite if it had some whipped cream on top.

"No more whipped cream left, sorry hon," Laurie said as Taylor walked down the stairs.

"Oh, well, that's a big shame. Guess I'll have to skip breakfast today." Taylor said sarcastically.

"Don't be so greedy." Aunt Marley said.

"It was a joke. Didn't you hear the tone of my voice?" The 16-year-old then sat at the table, scrolling through Instagram. She fancied a guy named Kyler—but Kyler fancied Sam, her best friend. She didn't want to say anything, though. She thought that if she did, it would ruin the relationship.

"Here's your plate. Now, I'm off to work. Do you need a ride to school?" Laurie asked as she put the plate of waffles in front of her.

"I'd be happy to take 'er. I'm going past the school, anyway." Marley offered as she sipped her fruit smoothie.

"Yeah. That'll be nice. Maybe we can have a uh, Aunt-Niece bonding thing on the way, you know? To get to know each other better?" Taylor suggested, as she took a bite of her waffle.

"Be nice. She's your aunt — not your worst enemy. Now I'm off to work. Be good and have fun at school." Laurie kissed her daughter's head, then walked out the front door.

"You can be really rude sometimes, you know that?" Marley said.

"Yeah. That's the same for you. I must get the rude genes from you, huh? Now I gotta get to school so, I'm gonna take my own car." Taylor quickly finished her waffle and raced out the door to her car, ignoring Marley's scoff.

Finally, she arrived at the school and she decided to park out at the back because she didn't like parking right outside — it was embarrassing.

"I was waiting for you all morning. Why are you so late?" Yasmine asked as she walked up to Taylor.

"I'm late because of the stupid traffic. Where's Moon and Sam?"

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