20. Lazy days.

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Taylor lay on the couch in her living room staring up into the ceiling, and Quinn sat on the kitchen counter with her legs dangling down at the bottom. With a sigh, Taylor sat up. "Why are you even still here? I'm completely fine now."

"Maybe your leg is fine now, but your face isn't. And you're not mentally fine either." Said Quinn, looking around the room.'

Taylor scoffed, "Right... but why are you still here? Do you think that I can't look after myself?" She deadpanned.

Quinn's face fell. "Fine then. I'll leave if you tell me what's the matter with you — I can think of a few things already."

"Why should I tell you? We're not friends," Taylor spat.

Quinn smiled, "Yes we are."

Taylor frowned. "Since when?"

"Since I helped you get to the hospital."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "I could've done it myself." She stated, slightly sitting up. She actually couldn't go to the hospital herself. She probably wouldn't make it. She would've bled out before the building came into her sight.

Quinn nodded. "Sure you could've. But everyone needs support, right?" Quinn pushed, now getting off the counter.

With a sigh, Taylor nodded. "Okay, fine." She was hesitant at first, but kept going. "I miss my dad, I guess. Harvey, too, and partially my mom." Taylor confessed, "Usually if I was gone this long, she would've texted already, but no. Surely she would've heard about the big fight though."

"Wow, you've got major family issues. Your dad's gone somewhere, your mom's ignoring you—"

Taylor was quick to shake her head and disagree. "She's not ignoring me. You can't really ignore someone if the person hasn't even tried to speak to you."

"Okay.. then your dad's gone AWOL, your mom's not keeping in touch with you, and neither are your friends — except me. That must prove that I'm a better friend than everyone else, yeah?" Quinn asked with a smile still plastered on her lips.

Relucantly, Taylor nodded. Even though it was true, she didn't want it to be true. She just wanted Harvey to message her and let her know that he was okay. She wanted her mom to call or something, and she wanted her dad to come back.

Quinn looked at Taylor with slight sadness. She knew how she was feeling, and the feeling was complete loneliness. She should know, because she had felt it before. Many times.

"I know you're bored and you want to get out... so let's go ride by your old or current dojo and see if anyone's in there." Quinn paused, "Well, to see if Harvey's still there, I meant," Quinn suggested, knowing that Taylor had no interest in doing so, but she didn't have a care.

Taylor pursed her lips. "No thank you, I'm good here."

"I think not. Look at all the crumbs and crisps packets that you've left lying around. Do you seriously want to rot away on that couch that's probably really uncomfortable, anyway? Or do you want to go outside and get fresh air?" Taylor looked to her side to see a complete and total mess on the ground. She really did need to vacuum.

"You know I'm right." Quinn pushed, looking down at her.

"I don't want to... but fine. I will. Only if we get some flowers and stop at the hospital so I can give it to Miguel's mom, since she's probably there."

Quinn slowly nodded. "Okay, it's a deal. I'll be waiting in the car for you to get dressed. You've got six minutes." She affirmed before exiting the apartment and leaving Taylor there.

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