03. The Billboard.

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3rd person POV

Miguel's mom was really mad when Johnny dropped Miguel at his house to see bruises and cuts all over her sons body. She even banned him from going to karate anymore. It obviously really hurt her to see her son like that. Afterwards, though, Taylor wanted to be dropped off at the school to pick up her car and drive home, so that's what Johnny did—he dropped her off.

When Taylor arrived home, her mom was passed out on the couch and her aunt was right by her, making sure nothing happened.

"What happened?" Taylor asked as she walked through the front door.

"She took a lot of pills. This bottle was full. Now it's basically empty." Marley showed Taylor the nearly empty pill bottle. She rushed over and put her hand on her mother's forehead. It was hot.

"This happens a lot. Can you get a cloth and soak it in with water to cool her down?" Taylor put down the pill bottle and stood up.

"I have. I put it on there for an hour. I even have air conditioning on." Marley explained, "I think she just has a cold right now. How was the dance?"

"It was fine. Yasmine kind of ruined it for me, though." Taylor sighed.

"Oh yeah? How'd she do that?"

"So all my 'friends' were actually going as something as a group, but they didn't tell me. They went as laker girls. I think Yasmine just didn't want me to be in their group anymore, so she stood me up. I don't even think she ever liked me." Taylor sat down beside her aunt.

"I've never liked that bitch. She's also too clumsy. Remember that one time when she dropped a glass?" Marley chuckled.

"Yeah, I do. Should've recorded it." Marley and Taylor laughed at that. "But you kind of made a fool of yourself by yelling." Laurie groaned a bit and sat up. Marley immediately went and slowly pushed her back down. "Mom?" Taylor leaned in a bit. "How are you feeling?"

Laurie smiled and said, "Tired, thirsty, and hot."

"I'll get some water." Marley stood up and went to the kitchen while Taylor stayed at her mother's side.

"I'm so sorry. I did all this just because I got fired? I'm such a waste." Laurie whispered.

"No. No, you're not. I mean, you might have overreacted a little, but you're not a waste. Okay?" Taylor reassured her.

"Why'd she let me sleep? What if I had a concussion?"

"Well, you're alive at the moment, so you're good. Though you do have a cold, we think. You've got a fever too." Taylor explained, "And isn't going away since aunt Marley put a wet cloth on your head for an hour and nothing happened."

Laurie coughed just as Marley came back in with a glass of water. She put it in Laurie's hands and sat back down. "You should probably go to bed now." Marley told Taylor.

"Yeah, I should. Goodnight mom, love you." She went to hug her mom until she coughed again.

"I... love you too," Laurie muttered as she smiled.

"G'night." Taylor pursed her lips and went straight upstairs to bed. She thought about her dad, and the fact that after years, she had finally seen him again. But she could tell no one, otherwise she'd get in trouble and she didn't want that. She didn't even have any friends to tell anyway, so it wasn't gonna be that hard.

It was finally morning, and surprisingly Marley didn't wake Taylor up—and she was glad about that. Suddenly, Taylor's phone ringed. She looked to see who it was, and it was Sam. She didn't want to talk to Sam. In fact, she didn't want to talk to anybody. Taylor ignored the call and got out of bed to get dressed. Since there was no reason to dress up, she just chose a casual outfit since it was a casual day.

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