04. Leaving for a 'few weeks'.

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Taylor was just finishing up packing her bags to go to her father's house. She was going in a couple days, so she had to make sure she was all set. Taylor was kind of nervous, but excited to reconnect with Johnny. Maybe she would even see Robby again. She hadn't seen him in so many years. Maybe he didn't even remember her.

"Taylor." Marley said, knocking on Taylor's door, but not as loud as she would normally.

"Come in," Taylor called out. Marley then walked in and shut the door halfway.

"Your mom's still sleeping, so I'm gonna drive you to school." Marley pointed at all of Taylor's bags. "How's that going?" She asked, and Taylor simply nodded while dumping the rest of her clothes into her bag. She hated folding.

"Okay. Are you hungry?" Marley asked, "I've made breakfast."

Taylor pressed her lips together, shaking her head. "Not that much. I think I'll be good 'till lunch. Thanks though." Taylor zipped up her bag that was filled with clothes and pulled out her school bag.

"Okay. We're leaving in a few minutes." Marley then left the room, leaving Taylor alone again. 

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Taylor walked into the cafeteria, and went to go and sit where she would normally sit, but Yasmine had her bag on Taylor's regular seat. "Bitch." Taylor muttered. She didn't even really want to sit with them, but where else was she supposed to sit? Aisha's table was an option, or even Demetri's table.

"I'll be back." Demetri muttered to Eli before he walked over to Taylor who was standing mindlessly in the room. "Hey, Taylor. Don't worry about them. You can maybe uh... come sit with us? Table's free." He offered as he pointed over to his table where Eli was sitting.

Since Demetri and Eli actually weren't as bad as everyone else, Taylor agreed to his offer. She followed him over to his table and sat down next to him. "You probably already know that this is Eli."

"Yeah." Taylor gave Eli a short smile, him giving her one back. Taylor looked back at Yasmine and Moon's table and saw Sam standing by Kyler. Eli and Demetri looked too. Then suddenly, Sam pushed Kyler's food tray off the table and everyone 'oh'd.' Deserved.

"Hey, guys." Kyler exclaimed, "You know that billboard with a big ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." His friends and the whole room all snickered behind him for what he said. Taylor didn't laugh. She noticed Miguel, who had just walked in. He was also looking at Sam and Kyler.

"Hey, Kyler." Miguel said, walking up to him. He dropped his tray on Aisha's table and walked closer to the guy. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"

Kyler stepped towards him. "Want another beat down 'Rhea?" Kyler asked as he stood tall. He then pushed Miguel back. "I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time." He pushed Miguel back again, making him hit a table.

"It's not lame ass karate." Kyler attempted to swing a punch at him, but Miguel blocked it and grabbed his arm, "It's Cobra Kai." He was quick to punch Kyler in the nose, making him fall back. Kyler's nose started bleeding almost immediately. He ran at Miguel, practically throwing him back onto a table, then picking him up and throwing him to another table. Taylor stood up and moved closer to get a better view.

Kyler pulled Miguel back and put his arm around his neck, making him not be able to breathe. But he was quick to elbow Kyler in the stomach, twist his arm, punch him in the face, then kick him into a table, making him fall to the floor.

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