14. Coyote Creek.

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3rd person POV:

At 6am, Alanna was blaring music through her headphones, waking Taylor up because of it. Alanna obviously didn't notice that she was even awake because she was lying on her stomach. Whenever Taylor tried to talk, Alanna couldn't hear her, so she just tried to go back to sleep by putting one of her pillows over her ear.

"You've been asleep for ages now. Wake up!" Alanna shook Taylor until she finally woke up. She had been shaking her for about 3 minutes. Taylor was a deep sleeper sometimes. "Finally. It took you long enough."

"What?" Taylor groaned as she rubbed her eyes. She wanted to just lie back down and fall asleep again.

"I heard that you have training again today. So, you have to be up." Alanna said, throwing some clothes on her bed like a mother waking up her child.

Taylor didn't really feel like going to training that day. Kreese had been making them work their asses off. He had been super tough since Johnny left. But, as always, she had to go. And they weren't even going to do class in the dojo. They were going to the woods for a 'special training.' Taylor thought that it'd be fun.

"You know that you have to go, right? You gotta prove Marley wrong." Alanna stated. Taylor nodded. Marley would be extremely happy if Taylor had just stopped going to karate now. She didn't even want her to join in the first place. She doesn't like Taylor joining in on a lot of things that made her happy. It was kind of annoying.

"Yeah, I know. That's one reason as to why I'm still going," Taylor said as she sat up and stretched.

"Uh, huh? I'll go now." Alanna went out of the room and shut the door behind her. As she was walking down the hallway, she passed Kade. He had a black eye and a small cut on his lip. When Alanna asked how it had happened the night before. He didn't say anything. He just said, "Nothng." He was always not very outgoing. Unlike his sister.

When Alanna went downstairs, she saw Marley standing in the kitchen. She looked like she was doing something, but Alanna couldn't see what. Laurie and Kimberly were sitting outside on the porch. Kim was always a smoker. Maybe Laurie was too, and she was having a smoke with her.

Just as she was about to say good morning to Marley so it wouldn't be really awkward, Taylor saved her by coming downstairs. "Hey." She said as she pulled her hoodie over her head.

"It's so hot outside. Why do you need that one?" Marley asked, not even saying good morning first.

"It's not that hot out there. I put my hand out my window, and I checked the weather."

"Yeah? I actually went outside, though." Marley said. When her back was faced to her, Taylor rolled her eyes. Not wanting to scoff because Marley had super awesome hearing, which she didn't fully understand how. She could probably hear her breathing from her room.

"Are you gonna eat breakfast?" Alanna asked.

"I have a smoothie I made last night in the fridge. But Marley's hogging it, so it might take a while for me to get to it," Taylor joked. Alanna snickered a little.

Marley, though, did not. She turned her head and cocked an eyebrow. "What'd you say?" She asked. She obviously heard her.

"Nothing. But it was definitely a joke. So don't worry about it."

Marley just shook her head. "You need to watch your words or there will be consequences." She pointed at her.

"Like what? Whenever you say there'll be consequences, there never actually is. You're basically lying to me to get what you want," Taylor remarked.

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