09. Kreese.

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3rd person POV:

Taylor woke up to a call from Hawk. What did he want? She picked up her phone and answered it. "Hi. Just so you know, I was in a perfect dream and you kinda ruined it." She stated in a raspy voice.

"Sorry, you can tell me all about it later. But, I was going to ask if you wanted to join Cobra Kai." He said while walking with Miguel to the dojo.


"Before you say anything, you don't have to join today. But it would be cool if you joined." He said, "Miguel wants you to. I think we all do." He continued.

Taylor thought about it for a moment. Miguel wanted her to join? She had thought about joining so many times, but always told herself 'no.' Or, 'I don't know.' She didn't think that anyone wanted her there. Except Hawk, because he kept asking.

"Let me think about it." Is all she said.

"But you say that all the time and you like, never do."

"Yeah, well, let me think about it again. I'll see you later." She said before hanging up the phone. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Johnny was obviously not there, but he left a note. It was short, but it said, 'Left without saying bye because I didn't want to wake you.' It was written in messy writing because he was kind of in a rush, but he wanted her to know that he remembered that she was still there.

Taylor pursed her lips and went straight back to her room without making breakfast. She wanted to listen to music and sleep some more because she didn't really have much sleep the night before. But she also wanted to try if she could carry on dreaming the dream she had earlier.

Taylor: Huh?

Hawk👌: Yeah. We have a new Sensei, kind of. Sensei told us that he's just an observer or something.

Taylor: Right. What was his name, do yk?

Hawk👌: Mr Kreese I think. That's just what Sensei said his name was.

Taylor's heart felt like it skipped a beat. She heard that name before from her mom and aunt. They told her about his high school years once and mentioned a guy named Kreese. His old sensei who nearly choked him to death. Taylor couldn't believe it.

Hawk👌:You there?

Taylor: Uh huh. I'll be back. Gotta take a shower.

That was a lie. She was gonna go to the Cobra Kai dojo and talk to her dad because she knew that he would be there.

Hawk👌: Okay ttyl.

Taylor went out of the apartment and drove to her dad's dojo. It didn't take very long for her to get there since traffic wasn't too bad that evening. "Dad!" She said as she walked in.

Soon after, Johnny came out of his office, holding a Coors Banquet. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm here to talk to you about your old sensei, who you didn't tell me was back in town." She stated while she stood in front of Johnny.

Johnny sighed and bowed his head. He didn't even think about telling her until later. "Taylor-"

"Why didn't you tell me he was back?" She asked.

"Because I didn't want you to worry! And he's only been back for a few days. It's fine." He said.

"I don't think it's fine. Why would you let him back into your life after he tried to kill you? Didn't he like, try to ruin your life or something?" She asked.

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