10. Reunions, arguments and the beach.

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3rd person POV:

Taylor was woken up again by another call. She would definitely have to start putting her phone on silent for when she slept. Hawk called her to ask if she wanted to go to the beach that day. Taylor said that she didn't want to, but Hawk tried his best to convince her by saying that it would be boring without her and more people the better. Somehow, his convincing always worked.

Taylor was now going through her drawers, trying to find a swimsuit to wear. She wasn't really planning to go in the water much. Finally, she found something. It was a blue two piece, with matching shorts. Taylor then pulled out a baggy shirt to wear over the swimsuit.

The front door suddenly opened and slammed shut. Taylor rushed out of her room to see Johnny heading over to the fridge to get a beer. He seemed angry.

"What's the matter?" Taylor asked as she went to stand by the counter.

"LaRusso. He made a commercial. Can you believe it?" Taylor didn't see what the big deal was. He made a commercial. Probably about his cars and how he chops prices.

"So what? He makes commercials for, like, a living." She dictated.

"Well, his commercial was about karate and how he's teaching for free. He mentioned Cobra Kai too. Snake in the grass, bullshit. He was obviously talking about Cobra Kai." Johnny said furiously. He took off the bottle cap and flicked it across the room. No wonder why there were so many bottle caps around the place.

Taylor shrugged. Snake in the grass did kind of seem like Daniel was talking about Cobra Kai, but the rest of it was maybe him trying to get more students. "Maybe he just wants more students and thinks that paying for karate lessons is unnecessary," Taylor said. She found out that Sam was now training with Daniel, so she counted as a student. And Robby was a student again. So that made Daniel's student count two. Two isn't much at all compared to what Johnny has.

Johnny shrugged and took a big sip of his beer before he looked at Taylor and then at the bag she was holding. "Where are you going?" He asked. There was actually nothing in the bag, she just brung it with her.

"To the beach with Hawk. I'm pretty sure that there will be others there, too." She said.

"So, since you're hanging out with the Cobra Kai's, will you officially join?" Johnny asked, with a hopeful look on his face. He hoped that the last training wasn't too harsh for her to fully change her mind.

Taylor had actually thought about it a lot. The only way for Hawk to stop pestering her about joining was for her to actually join. She wanted to join, anyway. Seeing how everyone kicked ass at the tournament, Taylor wanted to do that, too. "I think I will, yeah. It'll also stop Hawk from asking me to 24/7." Taylor declared.

Johnny nodded his head and tried his best to hide his huge smile that was about to show. "Right. Well, get to the beach then. I have stuff to do." Taylor smiled and went back to her room to get changed.

When Taylor got to the beach, Hawk, Demetri and Moon were there. She wasn't expecting Moon to be there at all. "Hey, Taylor!" Moon said as she gestured for her to come sit next to her. Taylor was all fine with Moon now.

"Hey, Moon. Wasn't expecting to see you here," Taylor said as she placed a towel on the sand to sit on.

"Yeah, well, Hawk invited me to come, so I couldn't give up the offer."

"Let me guess, the real reason why you came was just so see him shirtless?" Taylor looked at Moon for an answer, and she just smirked a little. That was enough to answer her question. She took out a book from her bag called One of Us Is Lying. Then a question came into her mind. Not like she cared or anything, she just wanted to know. "Hey, are you still friend with Yasmine?"

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